
Word. I love when people start spouting off about the 1st and 2nd Amendments when they actually have no clue as to the actual language (hello, "well regulated militia"?). This whole bs about the expanded intentions of the 2nd Amendment arises from a Supreme Court case not from a verbatim reading of the US

Agreed! That man needs to be chained to his desk and only given bathroom breaks. Oh, sorry I am not promoting forced labor, it's just the ASOIAF withdrawal talking.

I was rather annoyed that they are continuing to portray Sam as a wuss. Yes, he "accidentally" kills the White Walker but he in the book he risked his life to send out the damn ravens. To be frank, I hate how they completely changed the battle at the Fist of the First Men.

I used to hate strapless dresses, until I had one custom made for me (my wedding gown). It was a revelation and I suddenly understood why there is so much love. My tailor taught me tricks about buying strapless gowns (look for hidden boning and structure) and go up rather than down in size. Anything can be taken in

All of the debate in this thread could be avoided if everyone used vapes /just saying.

Because some of us dream of a DARE vs. Cocaine match up in the Final Four :-)

I just want to join the chorus of posters happy to see you back in the Jezzie-hood.

Purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka!

Thank you for this! I have been summarily avoiding Jez posts on weddings because of this overwhelming need to police and judge how people spend their money. We all have our preferences. I had a huge sit-down wedding, with open bar, 12 piece band and an after party with a DJ. It was f-ing awesome and we partied

A keratin treatment or Brazilian blow out could also aid in that process. Timberlake and I have (well had) the same type of curls. I experimented with a keratin treatment almost 4 years ago and my hair still won't f-ing curl the same. It will blow out like a champ (if a blow dryer is even in the vicinity of my

Exactly. Lisa Miller is deploying age-old "divide and conquer" tactics. If the public discourse continues to center on this false notion of the "Mommy Wars" or pitting SAHMs vs. WMs, then we don't have to engage in the conversations of merit. Affordable, quality childcare remains a key component to this discussion

My apologies. I had the show Entourage on the brain (I think Turtle said something to that effect when the movie "Medellin" was going up for Sundance) when I made that comment. I did not intend to make light of anyone's death.

LaComtesse, you truly are the best.

Cocaine is going to make it to the Final Four. It is a veritable powerhouse.

I just realized that it doesn't matter who wins the 80s match up today, because cocaine is going to "murk" its competition in the next round. It's going to be like Medellin during the Escobar era in this bitch! Actually, it would be funny (in a fucked up kind of way) if the Coreys were suddenly against cocaine.

Seriously. I mean does New Coke make you jump all over someone's white couch with your dirty boots? No. Or insult a comedic genius by constantly making reference to his complexion? No. Maybe these fools need to find out what five fingers said the face!

Thanks to this image, I have exploded into giggles in my office and now my admin officially thinks I am nut. Oh who am kidding, she already thought it, this just confirms it.

I see what you did there. Good one.

I will take Ms. Bonet's leftovers too! (ahem, Lenny Kravitz). Chick pulls As like Summa Cum Laude...

Yes, you must scan this photo — um for, um, Art's sake or something....