
Can’t wait for FIFA 2022. It’ll just be an HD remake of the Moses level from the NES Bible Adventures.

The part where Brooks hangs himself and his HP rapidly drained... that was pretty harsh.

Meh, balloon Snake is still the best!

The shape charge.... the shape charge indicates that they are technically proficient. Proficient enough to go in on the prowl, so let’s start looking for recent highline burglaries that have mystified us.

And yet its black Link who gets all the blame. Typical.*

Oh shit. Someone call the Road Warrior.

Is no one making the connection? Around the same time Nintendo hires a guy named Bowser, a case of fire involving a wii like nothing ever heard of burns some dude’s stuff down, and now this.

It just goes to show how shit Nintendo’s supply efforts are when a country’s ENTIRE Amiibo stock can fit in one truck. Epic fail Nintendo...

BREAKING: “Thieves behind the Amiibo truck theft arrested, witnesses state they are a group of kids who love playing Payday 2 and hate anything Nintendo.”

I want this cross over to be a thing

You know - hope is a mistake

Thanks for reminding me of this movie, guys. Thanks a fucking lot.

Oh god no, I bet I know where this is going with the robot, and you’ll be completely attached to it, and I don’t think I can handle that level of grief again.

“Make WoW more like Vanilla!”

What? Where’s the Guitarist? It isn’t Mad Max Fury Road without the Flaming Guitar!

Oh, what a post. What a lovely post!

thats a win