

If only he talked as much as Link, too.

just goin on a Kanye Quest

I like to think of it more akin to the cyborg version of a horse's junk.

I couldn't imagine being a crew member on a ship (space cack ship) that size. I lived in an aircraft carrier for 6 month and there wasn't a day that I didn't get lost.

I'm gonna side with Xenoblade, because anything that resembles Vanquish is a winner in my book.

Online popular Japanese sites like My Game News Flash, some say this attack looks dorky. Some say it's alright. I think it kind of looks like a rather painful baseball slide. With a gun.


...a game where the final boss is Kanye?

Perhaps the game was silently telling you to go fuck yourself.

That's true equality, right there.

Anyone else googled guile's face to check if he really didn't have eye brows?


I'm gonna be completely honest. I never noticed that Guile doesn't have eyebrows.

Lol you too? I can remember that rote from memory even now, and it's been at least 18 years since I picked it up. Ahh, pre-internet "porn"

Well at the very least, you probably should factor in the cost. When you noted the 12-15 hour length as "short" I automatically assumed this was being sold as a regular $60 game, when this is actually a $20 product. 12-15 hours for a $20 game is actually quite good, as you see many full retail games for the same

As long as they don't control like the ones from Colonial Marines...

I thought from the headline, someone was making a game where you're a xenomorph and you have to kill the helpless crew of a large, empty ship. I thought, that sounds neat but wouldn't it be very very easy?

That joke is about as fresh as the "I took an arrow to the knee jokes."

As much as I'd love more communication from Valve about what they're doing, in the case of HL3 I don't want to hear a thing.