
“We were in shock,” Mari Ugar, an organizer of the protest, told CTV News. “It’s just an animal, and we felt sad. For me, I felt sad for a few days after seeing that.”

2010's Tron: Legacy’s got nothing on the 1982 original in terms of character development and story

I actually liked the movie enough to want to replay through the first 2!

Man, Pacific Rim 3 is really reaching these days..

Y’know what? I’m in. I liked the first few months of the game and heard its an improvement now. And go ahead and make Wildlands 2 too!

Don’t be distracted by the new setup guardian.

I just started a new playthrough! Playing as Elven Gal Gadot!

“He said now he’s settled down with a wife, he’s afraid she’d want him to stuff her,” he goes on. Them Poles are a persevere lot.” For anyone not familiar, that’s a reference to Geralt and Yennifer’s penchant for copulating on the back of a stuffed unicorn.

Go back to your home on straw Island

After Star Trek Discovery’s arc through the mirror universe, this movie feels very stale and generic. What little weirdness it had was unexplained and quickly forgotten, as though they had the idea but no reason to develop it so they just shove it somewhere in the middle. Wish they could go all in with the crawling

I hope its like Banner Saga without the bad feels.

I’m watching Aptered Carbon now and I wish they’d just gotten Will Yun Lee instead, considering that he actually voiced the character.

I always get this movie mixed up with Titan A.E

If all your friends jumped down the cliff, would you follow?

Is that Eric Stoltz?

Why do I read that in bobby Lee’s voice..

I just hope UFC doesn’t discard their potential stars after they’ve been tried and tested with just one loss. UFC has a tendency to act like Willey Coyote, never trying the same plan twice and just give up on the plan after it fails. I hate to see Francis fade out like Sage Northcut. Even CM Punk deserves a second

I was with Triss in Witcher 2, no chance im gonna ditch her for Yennefer.

Love how the clouds casts shadows

“David Cage was described by some employees in the reports as not being very subtle.”