
But is soup a meal?

Woah the makeup is impressive, I don’t know how she managed to look like Gal Gadot just by makeup alone. Anyways, I hope somehow, she can make a glowy lasso, that will look so badass.

Tatooine costs 60 Kyber Crystals, they sell 50 crystals at $29.99, so you end up buying 100 for $60.

Does this come close?

This article is hard to read, literally. anyone gonna address the elephant in the room? As in that fat fucking elephant in that room? Jesus how is he a cop/security with that bean bag gut?

Hell, COD had a better climbing mini game :D

From what little I played, the controller seemed to have aim assist even in PVP, I didn’t have much time to test it out but does anyone notice it? Even M+KB, it feels like my shots connect when it shouldn’t. It might just be me.

God damn!

It screams “shitty Player 2 controller for your annoying kid cousin your mom forced you to play with”

I’d actually rather see a Wildlands sequel than the Division 2. Because you can’t really beat Destiny, so why bother? Many players like Wildlands because it doesn’t follow the same model. It’s simple and fun, which is why Rainbow Six Siege has also been doing well on its own. All the listed content in the article is

“when does the right to free speech end?”

Is everyone just gonna ignore how fuckable Junkrat’s Aussie cricket uniform is right now? I mean, that broken bat peg leg is enough to raise my heart rate. didn’t really explain anything other than “its the in thing”

Ok WB, if you’re reading this, trust me I’m not kidding. I liked the first game and was really looking foward to this. But this news just made this game a definite skip for me. I don’t normally do this but reading that Q&A, you’re admitting that the game is boring shit. So..I’m not gonna buy it.

So..they’re outright saying that the gameplay is grindy? I’m confused here..they’re practically saying you shouldn’t be playing the boring parts

They actually look more like muppets

Hmmm..I don’t know what to feel about the reduced duplicate drops..on one hand, I’d like to increase my chances on getting a sweet skin but on the other hand, I’d like more gold to actually buy what I want..

Nobody’s gay for Roadhog :(

It looks like one of those controllers you hand over to your weird cousin that your mom forces you to play with.