Wait I’m confused about the KillCam. So what changed is the final winning kill right? Is that called the KillCam? I thought KillCam was the replay everytime you die?
Wait I’m confused about the KillCam. So what changed is the final winning kill right? Is that called the KillCam? I thought KillCam was the replay everytime you die?
Prior to that, I’ve always bought games of a “Friendly” nature and once I saved up enough, I bought this badboy. PC game boxes were a treat to have in the past. They were huge, heavy and the big manuals and boxart itself was worth the penny. I was proud to own it.
But the fart clouds tho..
That Need for Speed Youtube guy made me want to put my head into a wall. I watched Giant Bomb’s live stream and they chuckled the moment the guy turned and watching the Giant Bomb crew cringing as it was falling apart ramped up the cringe.
Yeah I know, she did ease up a little with Rock Band. She and I are still friends after we broke up and its liberating to freely tell her “I’m on sick leave today, its GTAV launch day” and not giving a fuck about being judged.
What is weird is that in my corporate world, people either do not share my nerdy interests or they don’t talk openly about it, but the people I know that do play games are from my MMA gym, big tough killers on the mat but we talk Overwatch in between rounds of killing each other.
Well, they’re 2/3 right.
To be fair, on average, most women I know don’t play games. Heck, most people I know do not play games and out of that small crowd, only a small percentage plays games. So I can’t just assume people play games, I have so many awkward moments where people shut me down with “I don’t play games” and left me cringing…
Women are smart and funny, get over it!
Agreed, I would have even played on my PS4 first while waiting for the PC release so i can migrate my account and play it there. You could’ve gotten your money twice Bungie!
Why isn’t this streamed?
That’s so batshit insane and I love it!
So they sacrificed Mass effect Andromeda for this? The quality of that game suffered partly because of the division of talent and resources between this and Mass Effect right? Granted, this looks cool, but you could just combine those two games and call it Mass Effect. Now we get a sub standard Mass Effect and a…
Japanese James Woods sounds like James Woods talking Japanese.
Oh god..is the teleprompter not working?
Sounds like they recycled the cancelled Prince of Persia Egypt game that was leaked awhile ago.
Get it man, why don’t you get it?!
While the documents might be interesting to see how the game developed to the final product, it doesn’t justify theft and ransom. And its playing with everyone’s hunger for information nowadays and I refuse to participate. Of course I can just ignore it but I don’t want the thieves to think they’re some kind of Robin…