
Lol that first peek it made XD

Watchoo gon’ bout’ craker?

I could’ve done that..if I uaed a mouse :(

I mainz Ghandi.

Now playing

“And instead of donning a breastplate, you dash into battle, shirt open, navel and whatnot exposed!”

Moral dilema: to work out in the gym and train some jiu jitsu..or go home and pray in the altar of Civ6 for the next whole month..

Saxs Persson

We hope to deliver players an epic experience that builds upon everything we’ve learned making games.

To be fair, thats a really good comeback :D

Obviously, this is an DLC expansion pack, “Oddysey on Red River”

“which means it’s about damn time.”

My head hurts D:

“gonna check those pantsus when im getting interviewed LUL,”

You mean that device that only store one entry? Maybe you should keep that behind the fridge, its not like theres dudes with robot hands that can lift those up.

I don’t know man, its so easy for people to break in your house through the human sized vents and steal some beers from your kitchen.

Trebek was specifically refering to her mentioning group getting together doing stuff and not having romantic partners, he wasn’t attacking the music genre per se.

Ehy the noir presentation? Seems so random..if its a whole noir DLC, then that makes sense but this one seems almost..desparate

Oh man can he just pay me and I’ll go over to that guild leader’s house and force him to destroy his own fleet at gunpoint?

Tell that to your grandchildren.

The best..and only Keira Metz cosplay I’ve ever seen :p Aww yeah those two rode off into the sunset