I thinks its pretty clear that the most irresponsible drivers are those lounging in the left lane.

I promise you, the trucker didn't have a legitimate reason to be in the left lane.

For the sake of this video I will assume the truck had a legitimate reason to be in the left lane.

only top level WRC would have that type of comms unfortunately

How the hell does that happen? Somebody on the organizing committee needs an asskicking.

"I'm not proud of what I did to him, but I was a younger and more passionate man then."

Similar story: my neighbor has a Model A Ford that he is working on restoring, and takes it out every once in a while. He told me a story of how he drove it to a pizza place down the road and while he was inside, a crowd of people gathered who were getting in and out of his car and playing with things. He calmly

The response to those people is to yell loudly , "STOP TRYING TO DAMAGE THE CAR!" everyone within earshot will stop what they are doing and look at you. the person screwing with the car will be the center of attention and have the highest amount of embarrassment ever.

In the spirit of sharing: At a local cruise night I had a fully grown adult, admittedly drunk, bellyflop onto the hood of my Trans Am, give me a thumbs up and slide down the front leaving a long and painful scratch across the Firechicken down to metal.

The lady's feelings on that car.

Special mention goes to parents who don't tell their young cherubs not to touch everything they see. Good for you for raising the next generation of enthusiasts, bad on you for not setting them straight.

People wearing blue jeans with exposed rivets who lean against your clear coat should be shoved out of airplanes and then the parachute a few seconds later.

That was the most politely vulgar commentary I could've imagined.

This is not the same as running a redlight. Not even close.

404 Tacky not found.

Since I'm biased, and I know a V8 can be made to fit, and it comes in around 2200lbs.

I'm sure Rockstar will fix this glitch in the next patch.

When a BMW owner is the one driving responsibly...

How did the Maybach 57 not make this list?