So if I went to get my picture taken with a full beard and a full head of hair and then immediately after the picture was taken went home and shaved my head and beard I would be in violation of this policy?
If girls can wear make up in their driver's license pictures, then so should this kid.
Leave it to the DMV to alienate people and make everyone's lives more miserable through meaningless bureaucracy. Thanks, South Carolina.
I thought this was an automobile blog...not Jezebel
At what point do they just recall every car they've made in the last 15 years?
Wasn't Nissan one of the primary partners of the DeltaWing? I am confused
And it'll break down or snap in half over the first speed bump just like the real one!
The irony is I could never use a 35,000 square foot home... Now a 2,000 square foot home and 33,000 square foot garage... that I could use.
4 snapped lugs and a missing one. I'm guessing someone over-tightened the lugs.
Wait, Grandpa was 50, kid was 14, so grandpa was 36!!! when grand kid was born.
He was not just joyriding. Thats a moronic statement. Thats like saying a 14 year old kid shooting a gun at a playground full of kids is "just some 14 year old out having a good time with a gun". This was not a joy ride, this was someone fleeing from the cops and driving through a park full of kids. He could have…
footage of the collision
Probably the first time I've ever celebrated the actions of any owner of a lifted Ram bro truck. Awesome.
I wouldn't expect a clutch to be a warranty item. It's more of a consumable like brake pads