
If he was simply wearing the costume, no. If he was doing blackface while wearing the costume? Hell yes.

As mentioned, it’s Furi, and it’s fantastic. Just you facing a series of boss characters with some narrated walking sections in between, but it’s intense and all the bosses are unique. Pretty difficult (as also mentioned), but it’s worth it if you like the idea of hack n’ slash mixed with bullet hell gameplay.

It’s all fine and well (and even admirable) that you’re able to laugh at yourself—or at jokes that reference conditions you have. However, you, as an individual, don’t have the right to speak for others in terms of what they are or are not bothered by.

It’s also worth noting that blackface has its roots in some

Hes a young white male. He can do no wrong and he’ll be just fine for this. I mean, shit, before now I never clicked on any Logan Paul video until today and only know it wack ass brother ITS EVERYDAY BRO from people making fun of him

if you “didn’t do this for the clicks” and you actually cared, talked about something


You can always buy it for cheap and then apply it to your account, it adds the year to your end date instead of the activation date.

You can still buy the $40 1-yr membership. It just pushes back your auto-renew date a year.

I’m betting RDR2 will play just fine without this gun.

Just found a live footage of the crucible

I got glanced for half a second by a Promethus lens and had half health, so screw that thing. Also, I have a few hundred shards so I’m going to buy one and join the Trials of the Nine Lazer Light Show!

Only a good guy with a fire space laser can stop a bad guy with a fire space laser.

We know how the original series (and one of the movies) handles this. I am curious, however, how the light novels addresses this, both in the original Japanese and in any translations fan or otherwise.

I’m kind of partial, because when I watched the original I felt it was a solid example of a strong female lead, and

Kino is a girl, well female at least.

Kino is a girl, maybe Cecilia didnt know that.

And May I add to your sentiments that he didn’t even bother to learn the names of fallen soliders or the bereaved. And once again embarrassed our nation by sitting in a press conference with his arms folded pouting those chapped lips like a defiant child in the midst of a tantrum. He is a birth defect unfit to be

I hope we don’t see another touch of malice bs quest where you spend a day collecting the fragments but then they force you to do obscure raids and obscene challenges for higher level only but no one tells you and you can’t find anyone to play lol

Oh dear god. Running King’s Fall only to get one Legendary to show for it.

Becky: (noun); a white woman who uses her privilege as a weapon, a ladder or an excuse. Ex: “A random Becky hit me

The live-action GitS movie tried to dumb things down and a lot of themes were lost because of it.