
I’m in government, so I sincerely hope so.

It’s really amazing how articulate, poised and smart these Parkland kids are. We’re all going to end up working for them, without a doubt.

Can’t go wrong with the classics.

We’re all Schroedinger’s liberal: simultaneously a precious snowflake and a violent antifa thug.

But remember that liberals are the precious snowflakes.

The fact of the matter is that the mainstream right has abandoned logic and reason to go straight for propaganda and emotional appeal.

Too many people don’t understand this, which is why I pull my hair out whenever someone claims that MSNBC is the Fox News of the left. No it’s not. Not even close, for a multitude of reasons.

Bootstraps only matter until you have to pull your own.

And in those infrequent moments when these fragile little wusses aren’t whining about everything being so unfair, they call others snowflakes.

there’s one group that sees itself as unfairly targeted, as Politico’s Jason Schwartz noted today: conservatives.

Conservatives control the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court, the majority of state legislatures, the majority of governorships, and run the highest rated cable news channel. Obviously they are being oppressed.

It’s important to point out that SHS, as the voice of the current administration, does nothing but lie.

“isn’t it ‘interesting’ that Sarah Huckabee Sanders answered a question about racist police violence by going off on a wild, panicked tangent about the economy and border security?”

Everytime I look at that chinless, douchey, inbred-looking face, I’m just flabbergasted that he married, fathered children, and had an affair.

This is only marginally related but while sitting in a dining hall I overheard a white girl talking about how since she spent a few weeks in China she now knows what it’s like to be a minority, I just wanted to smack her.

Lol, now who is THIS bitch?

When business owners fuck up this bad in China they face trial and potential death penalty and often kill themselves rather than go to court. In America they run for office. Great job GOP.

Well played, sir or madam. Well played.

I don’t know who Aubrey O’Day is. I don’t know who (possibly *what*) Danity Kane is. I’m not gonna look it up. I’m just going to revel in my ignorance.