
Sadly, I have disappointed that The Rani has never reappared, despite Moffat’s insistance that she would never appear again.

You know what really gets me about “deaths” like that? I feel like I’m the ONLY PERSON ON EARTH that hops over to IMDB to see how many episodes the actor/actress was hired for/SHOWS UP IN. They literally post this before the season even starts. Am I all alone here?

Was that really supposed to be Starbuck who came back, or was it some benevolent cosmic entity that assumed her identity and memories, Phoenix-style, and then departed once her mission was fulfilled? I’ve really tried to block the last season of that show from my mind.

“RTD ended the Master’s story so perfectly that I could never find a plausible way to bring him back. Oh wait, why can’t I skip any explanations and bring him back anyway? I’m Doctor Who for Christ’s sake!”

I think the difference was that RTD lied for story purposes as to try to keep at least some of it a surprise.

Steven Moffat: “Hey we totally aren’t doing this thing.”

Because the Bible measures stuff in feet, unicorn bladders and Fahrenheit degrees.

I don’t understand why the Americans can’t stop using those obsolete units of measurements. If you can’t write temperature in K at least give it in °C.

Remember, self-published author means author. It does not mean spell-checker, editor, reviewer, publicist, cover artist or marketer.

Being an adult just means your closer to death than you were before. So actually enjoying yourself should be in a decent position on a list of priorities.

Hmm, I’d say the thing about Sheldon is that he’s clearly autistic.

Also these kids:

I suppose hating on the inexplicable hit sitcom The Big Bang Theory for portraying nerds poorly is like hating the birds for singing: it’s just what they do

There’s no benefit to selling a $1000 pill to 1% of the population when you can make exactly the same money selling it for $20 pill to 50% of it.

Sergey, Sergey...when will you learn that the product is not contingent upon the ad being displayed, or it would require some sort of checkout process.

Unfortunately, years ago, was actually pretty useful. I was also young then so maybe it never was

You need to look up the word “steal” in a different dictionary.

Disconnect is also good to use in conjunction :)

Smartphones have been around for what ... six or seven years now? Are people ever going to learn to hold them properly when taking videos?