
Alcohol swabs can do the trick, that’s what I use on all my sandals once they start getting funky.

Pssst...He’s Swedish.

Thanks! I’ll check that out!

Me. I hate her.

Okay, thanks!

Okay, thanks!

Half of them were models built for small homes in the 70’s. They were pretty solid. The newer ones had a lot more plastic incorporated in them.

I’ve been glancing, but I was wondering if you had any specific recommendations?

I’ve been glancing, but I was wondering if you had any specific recommendations?

Could you name some of these competitors? I’ve been interested in getting a Maglite for a while, but the price has held me back.

Could you name some of these competitors? I’ve been interested in getting a Maglite for a while, but the price has

Can you recommend any resume/CV/cover letter building sites that actually have people that go over them and make suggestions to you?

Burn it and salvage the springs for scrap? That’s all I got.

Escape is awesome...and heart-attack inducing. Man that game gets stressful.

Tell that to the guy that hauled away 2 washers, 2 dryers, 2 dishwashers, and a sink from my front yard yesterday. That guy is rolling in scrap metal money.

Congratulations, America!

This is one thing that I’ve been putting off for a long time. We have a fan already installed, but frankly, it sucks (or doesn’t, which is the problem). I’ve already got a replacement, however the current fan is wired into the lights. I’d love to take the fan off and put it on a second switch, but working with wiring

Agreed. He was absolutely fantastic in Fargo.

C) Kayak kid was Colin Hanks

If I had any money, and you weren’t some anonymous internet person, that’s what I’d bet on.

It’s what typing on my phone permitted. You get short and vague, or longer, yet error ridden.

That was a show only occurrence.