
Visible! Quickly visible!

I’ve been using Fences for around 4 years now. It’s a great program that’s been very helpful regarding the organization of all my thesis materials on my desktop screens. Makes everything quickly viable and easy to access.

I've eaten both guinea fowl and various species of gazelle made into stews with tomato paste while I was on an expedition in Mozambique. They were both delicious. The weirdest food I've eaten? Alligator in a brandy cream sauce at a seafood restaurant in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. Sure, the place is run by

I can't do tripe. My Polish in-laws are fond of tripe soup, so I've been subjected to it several times. I can't get over how much it tastes like bile. Pass.

Starred for referencing Scott Lynch's work.

I've got one of these (as do most people in my immediate family), and it works like a charm. Starts totally dead batteries, and I've even used it too boost tractors that have been sitting around unused for ~10 years. And you can still use them to charge usb peripherals.

I've got one of these (as do most people in my immediate family), and it works like a charm. Starts totally dead

I'm stealing that, despite how much it makes me cringe. Or maybe because of that.

"Calcium free cheese, I'm allergic to calcium."

I really want to see their reaction to this:

Only problem with broccoli is that I always have dips in the fridge...

I used it on my second city. It seemed to keep a tally of all my spending. After I'd build-up the city to where I wanted it, I turned the mod off and was immediately greeted with ~$1,000,000 in debt. It was actually an interesting challenge working my way out of that hole.

Oh, excellent!

More importantly, when can they load and unload the dishwasher?

Even if you don't you still probably have Paint or Word to do it in a pinch.

I had to do a lot of panoramic photostitching for my thesis. While Photoshop could do it, I actually found Microsoft's Image Composite Editor to work not only faster, but it would stitch images that photoshop wouldn't, due to differences in focus and light levels.

I, for one, give a shit. The problem is that my paltry vote counts for virtually nothing in the conservative heartland of Alberta. One day we won't be so stupid and blue.

Telus and Shaw FTW.

Beat me to it!

Circulate the air. Crack a window and turn the temperature down to the cool side, if you can. Bringing along a small fan creates both white noise and moving air that might help you sleep more soundly—and block out any strange environmental sounds (ahem, newlyweds in the suite next door).