
I too will continue to use my embarrassingly outdated e-mail address. Not because I am adverse to change, but because...I can still send e-mail from it.

Nice! Who will join us as we take a stand in the midst of such brazen injustice. Who I say!!

I am waiting until the end of August and then I am cancelling my account.

Wang stiffed by forbidden fruit...

Checking your Facebook page for birthday wishes maybe? Happy Bday. Mine is next week.

That is a phone in my pocket and I am happy to see you!

I like to just let one rip before the pat down. Make them work for the grope.

I agree. I would pay a little more just to stream if I were able to get the latest releases. Just a little...

Joe must not have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express the night before!

Sony's joining the smartphone market?

I enjoy a good episode of bones, but it irks me to see Angela's 3D/spatial/holographic recreations or her her image manipulations.

Very nice. You can take the rest of the day off for that comment.


Am I the only one to admit that I got a good chuckle from this comment.

I think it's a good idea considering the huge success of the Asian Carp release years ago...oh, wait minute! alma mater! Taking care of the issues that really the drunken, unbathed college student.

800 f those channels consist of Gem or Jewel TV and shopping channels!

I got tired of waiting for the WP7 on Verizon to arrive, or the latest round of new Android devices to hit Verizon, so I went with the iPhone 4. Now new phones are coming out left and right. @#!$

I understand the chaos that erupted at the scene, but where does the civil rights for the wrongdoers end and the rights of the bystanders begin. The person that was shot in the car more than likely posed an immediate threat to the officers and everyone else around, but the guy recording the incident did not. Is it