
This is not even remotely what peer pressure is.

Why do they hate people who want a female protagonist. 

I’m disappointed too. I haven’t played P4 and P5 because of the lack of female protagonist, and I haven’t played P3P because of the lack of animated cutscenes.

Don't get your hopes up. 

Yup. And the few that do exist are probably independent and went for Bernie because he was populist.

I'm just gonna be that person and mention that "voicebank" is niche terminology and I don't know if you should assume people know what that means. Also, PV stands for promotional video, not picture video. The word is used for all Japanese music videos. 

It's not their fault the judges vote for whatever their kids liked without having watched every movie and openly admit to doing so. 

Games that can't be bought elsewhere are exclusives, whether they made an actual deal with the platform for it to be so or otherwise. 

A lot of people watch TV and think water is soft and breaks your fall. 

What a dumb thing to say. Breasts “can make you sick” rarely too. Literally any part of the body can do that. They didn’t say it was more prone to pathological conditions than any other part of the body, but you seem to think we should chop it off just in case? Should we remove children’s appendices at birth too? Just

What a dumb thing to say. Breasts “can make you sick” rarely too. Literally any part of the body can do that. They didn’t say it was more prone to pathological conditions than any other part of the body, but you seem to think we should chop it off just in case? Should we remove children’s appendices at birth too? Just

At least someone said it. Considering in both cases the person is unconscious and blacked out while their autonomy is completely taken away from them, I’m not seeing a massive difference.

She didn't do that. She just rambled about that as an idea to get revenge if someone cheats on her. 

Not sure if troll. 

She talked about the idea of doing it. 

You make it sound like drugging people is fine as long as there's no contact with genitals while they're unconscious. 

It was a video of her, not a tweet. 

Being drugged is embarrassing to you? That's it? Not a violation of your bodily autonomy? 

“Let’s also not forget the small fact that these men were attempting to engage in prostitution. No judgement one way or the other, but when one decides to skirt the law (because it’s illegal in NY) anything can happen. If they woke up with less money than they came in with - situational hazard.”

You don’t think foreskins serve a purpose? Is that why it’s a false equivalency? Not bothering to be even slightly aware of basic facts of the thing you’re talking about makes you seem stupid.