You're saying that like the reaction is because she was a woman and all the other female players get similar reactions.
You're saying that like the reaction is because she was a woman and all the other female players get similar reactions.
Where are you getting that it was to prove they're female? Also, thanks for degrading women while you're at it.
I mean, evidently none of this is related to being a woman because she is not the only woman. She is however the only person to not use a real name.
How is expecting someone to use their full name in an environment where literally else uses their name creepy?
It's not open advocacy. He's stating how they actually perceive women, not stating that it's right.
I must be lucky for my cat to sleep in her bed almost every night, then.
Concealer can be used for dark spots, too, not just under eyes.
Who was white America fighting to end it? Aliens? I'm confused.
Wow, I had no idea if I combed my hair enough, it would turn straight. That's some crazy shit.
It seems this person really managed to read a whole article without understanding it. Fascinating!
This is really funny, since I’m usually broke from spending most of my money on food.
A wedding is mainly to celebrate the union of two people. A funeral is to commemorate someone’s life. A church service is to worship God. It’s disrespectful to attend any service if you’re not there to participate.
No one said to turn anyone away or tell them to leave. But coming to a church as a tourist is disrespectful and you will be side-eyed if you tell people that.
Are you okay? I mean, why respond to a real comment when you can hallucinate one first instead?
I don’t get it. Are we acting like it’s just a coincidence every black woman was relaxing her hair up until just recently?
What’s the point in calling someone out and being ashamed of them over a word they let someone say seven years ago?
There’s also the fact that making fun of upper class white girl trends is not misogyny.
What a pretentious comment. Why do you associate those things with being LGBT or a woman? No, really, you associate artisanal coffees and art with women and being LGBT? You must have a very small social circle if you’ve failed to realize most women and LGBT people aren’t upper middle class and white.
But neither gay people nor women are associated with hipsters.
It was a really impressive reach.