Stop making your ships look like pizza and I’ll stop eating them.
Stop making your ships look like pizza and I’ll stop eating them.
I swear to God, if I hear one more person whine about how Hillary didn’t live up to their “oh-I’m-so-special-and-couldn’t-betray-my-values” standards I am literally going to scream. I am more angry at them than for the people who actually voted for Trump.
I feel this so much as a Menominee woman. In my family, we went from just my grandmother being the only one to finish high school to all of her daughters having college degrees. The majority of my generation has been lucky enough to go to college. Still it’s not enough.
On Sunday, the US Army Corps of Engineers issued a statement announcing it would deny a key permit for the Dakota…
Time limits to get to the next scoop? Completely removed.
“But it’s important that Suprun has publicized his intention […] even if it means contending with Trumpeter wrath.”
Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.
Mt Fuji, as seen from Hachioji. Tokyo, Japan. By Johan Toresson.
Mean Streets of Gadgetzan came out last Thursday and I’ve been playing around with it for a few days trying to…
It of course looks great but I’m sort of missing of all of those pixels. Now it is like a flash game.
yeah it’s definitely different, I personally prefer his older work though, I hope he doesn’t stick to this and keeps trying new stuff.
Based on the recent dismal electoral results, we’re in a new era of smear-openness now, so let’s just say he’s black y’all, and he’s black y’all and he’s blacker than black and he’s black y’all, and he’s bliggity-bliggity-bliggity-bliggity black y’all.
I fucking love DJ Shadow. Thanks for this!
Track: The Mountain Will Fall | Artist: DJ Shadow | Album: The Mountain Will Fall
The View Through Yasaka Shrine. Kyoto, Japan. By Daniel Spung.
Donald Trump’s cabinet is coming together, and it’s become impossible to ignore some real and direct connections to…
Track: Skating | Album: A Charlie Brown Christmas | Artist: Vince Guaraldi Trio
Track: Walkabout | Artist: The Sugarcubes | Album: Stick Around for Joy
In 2016, Westerners take stuff like anime and cosplay for granted. It’s everywhere. But in the 1970s and early…