
If it makes it any better, in the original NYTimes Mag article he's specifically talking about American feminists. He seems okay with Simone DeBeauvoir's attitude toward cooking.

I wonder if part of the problem is the bright light on the red carpet. While someone like Paltrow would know that even fabrics that seem opaque in the shop can turn transparent under flashes, she might not have realized how much skin this dress would actually show. The visibility of the seam running down the bottom

The flow of illegal guns from Indiana into Illinois is similar to drug smuggling, but where they differ is at the point of origination. Drugs, from manufacture to consumption is a black market, illegal activity. Almost every gun purchased in the United States started at least nominally as a legal transaction. In

"Like" and other filler words are absolutely fascinating in their myriad of uses, none of which fall under standard grammar as taught in school. However, in day-to-day speech they're pretty much imperative to communicating clearly.

So, basically, law enforcement on the honor system? That's a problem.