Adaptive Parking

Fully loaded Camrys cost $39,995? what?

A Volvo wagon. Its safe, it has room (and probably an integral dog-guard) for carting Winks about, as well as the grandkids and the half ton of stuff that they insist they might need someday. Plus, the more of these they buy, the more Volvo will keep supplying us with mental turbo-wagons.


Why keep having these "best car for a ____" contests? The title should be "what are the 2-10 best cars for ____" because we always no what #1 one is.

I don't need to be in America to recognize an idiot.

This newfangled third pedal I've seen in a few cars seems to do good things for its drivers.

That kind of comment is reprehensible...

Man, I bet that sounded awesome in your head.

Wassup jarhead semper phi dude

As long as you live in the US.


What's so WTF about that? If you aren't on a priority road, you need a clear rule.

The answer is Miata.

If the transmission has a "Drive" mode whereby it will shift its own gears (which all modern paddle shifters do) its an automatic.

I noticed if the car has a single exhaust, it's the opposite side of the muffler tip. Not a rule, just something I've noticed.

German cars are always passenger side- If you run out of gas and have to pull off the road, you can top off without having to be on the traffic side of the vehicle. American cars are... wherever they feel like on that day.

Car enthusiasts don't care about whether functionally, an S500 doesn't do anything better than other cars. If we had that mentality, then we'd all be driving Camrys and no one would buy a Ferrari because, functionally, a Corvette does the same stuff. And the last thing on many enthusiasts' minds will be upgrading the

Actually, the preemptive "anytime someone criticizes Israel they get called an anti-semite" functions as the same kind of heckler's veto that charging someone with a Godwin violation does. The people who use that gambit typically go on to apply a double standard to the Jewish state that they won't apply to any other