@wkiernan: Heart-click for this.
@wkiernan: Heart-click for this.
@Gaseous Clay: The cancer was just a ruse to get rid of an unnecessary weight.
Why is no one mentioning the RS6? It's the only production sedan with more power than the CTS-V, and the AWD will help in the corners.
No one likes F1 anymore, so someone needs to start a FU (Formula Unlimited, acro-pun intended): No regulations regarding power, weight, aero, etc. etc. of the cars....may the best-funded team win.
@JB_Finesse: u have no good cotomer sevis
@Adamskiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy: Aww shucks, gotta click the image.
@Shamoononon: I shave my legs.:
I was all gung-ho for the new SHO until I saw a commercial for it in which the narrator referred to it as a "show" and not an "S-H-O".
@Tomsk welcomes the Jezebanned home: I saw a VehiCross for probably only the 3rd time in person a couple days ago, they sure are sweet.
@ppiddy: "The government" doesn't pay for anything. We do.
@dohcspit: Oh my, it's ReyalP from WolfET, haha.
Dear Ghost Of 6-Series Yet To Come,
Didn't want to throw this one in there?
This needs a 'Busa V8.
I've always wanted an AMG Hammer if only so I could rightfully use a license plate reading "HMRTIME".
@dal20402: I'm from Atlanta but I'm currently living and working in Seattle, and I've never seen so many bad drivers. In the 5 months I've been here, I've seen more blatantly-run red lights than I saw in 5 years back home. Also, 15-20 over in Atlanta is normal even when the highway is packed, yet here you get 3…
@High Speed Indeed: If they are THAT handicapped then there is NO way they should ever be behind the wheel of a car.
At least it's not in a lake.