best character in ANY SW game to date
best character in ANY SW game to date
What?!? Are you telling me that it’s no longer canon that the Sith Emperor was killed by xxSUPERDUDExx3791? That’s ridiculous! Is nothing sacred anymore?
Observation: It would appear that the fleshy meatbags in charge of the Star Wars Canon are in a desperate need of a Neural Recalibration.
Hopeful Proposition: May I administer the Neural Recalibration, Master? I promise you, it will be exceedingly quick.
I’ll agree with that. KOTOR is the best Star Wars story ever. I really want KOTOR 3
If Bioware did do a Kotor3 I would be worried that it would feel more like a Dai or Mass Effect game and not Kotor. Heck let the guys at Obsidian who made Pillars of Eternity take a crack at Kotor3.
that wouldnt do it. What happened was Lucas Arts never wanted it. Obisiden tried and tried to get Lucas Arts to give them permission all the way up until Lucas Arts shut down.
I’ve always thought the time setting of the Old Republic was silly. Technology plateauing for 4,000 years? Come on...
True. My only reasoning is that with all the new stuff coming out I can’t see how there’s any hope that Disney and Lego would release products that wouldn’t sell as well as the new stuff. Most of the Old Republic stuff is retired apart from one set I think. I could be completely wrong but I’m curious to see what…
Does this mean the Christmas Special is not canon?
The ‘voices’ in the original Xbox dashboard are interesting the read about :) Also, you might want to look up video game urban legends on They have some great lists, and should be right up your ally.
They sort of phoned it in on that one.
Why, it did get a western port.
It was released in the West on the Sega CD, and was actually one of the first Western games to really have high quality voice acting.
Not sure if it’s what you meant but twas released in the US on the Sega CD :). I’d love to see it re-released on the Wii U with gamepad functionality though :O.
So what you’re saying is... somewhere in the DC Universe, there are two recently hatched ducklings that fight crime alongside Superman and Batman!?! o.O
When Google fiber become availible in your area switch over. 1000mbs download speed no data caps
That’s not a gaming industry problem. Bandwidth caps make no sense, its not like there’s only a finite number of bits out there.