which sort of archery does it do, does it do the "hollywood archery" or this archery
which sort of archery does it do, does it do the "hollywood archery" or this archery
I'd honestly be happy with an rpg that gets population density right. That really ruins a lot of games for me, like oblivion. Oh this is the Capitol of a near globe spanning empire, and like 30 live in it. Bastards.
Phantasy Star did that 20+ years ago.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
I wonder if in the future, people will be playing an RPG of boring life in the 90's. Will you get power ups if you go to the local 7-Eleven enough times and play POG?
When I saw in the article that the creator had been hiding stuff in previous images, I decided to give it a shot at the levels and what not on the off chance I spotted something. And I possibly did, though it could be just Pareidolia. But I'd share what I saw. Let's start with the first image after I did some color…
we all play violent games here so it's okay
It is a nice chunk, but really outside of the CPU, the rest of your parts can be gotten for pretty cheap. I still see people add unnecessary parts to their builds like a big CPU fan, which is kinda useless unless you overclock, or buy an i7 despite hyperthreading being fairly useless for games.
I don't get the complaints about the short amount of time between each game. They are short, easy to make, and any discussion of the game beyond fan forums quickly dies out. It's an episodic game. There is no reason for him to just sit on the game for an extended period of time.
You can simulate contracting and living with syphilis until it reaches its tertiary stage and then have your nose fall off!
YEAH! Let's go SERFing!
phantasy star, both on and offline.
Sounds like you'd have some great career options at Ubisoft.
I'm still waiting for the prequel to the prequel that explains more of what happened. A lot of it is still speculation
Yes, but that was in 2013. Prices drop quickly when we're talking about commodity hardware.
I'd love to his 135k, someday! I've been at it for two years, and hit 2k subs, which is still better then some, I guess ^^ It's slowed down recently, though - I've let myself get obsessed with Destiny so much, I don't even edit when I should be editing. That said, YT is still something I enjoy, and I'd like to get my…
From what I've heard, that's why he turned off comments on his videos. I've heard some pretty rough things about his fans (I've seen a ton of them troll Tobuscus videos and accuse him of copying PDP every damn day. I know they do this to other LPers, as well). It's really a shame that, even though PDP and Toby like…
Sure thing.
Kinda like how Dave Matthew's Band, Twilight, 1 Direction and various other big players in the tween-teen space end up with fans that are so willing to raise their objects of affection up that they full on cannibalize those that don't agree?
This seems to be a byproduct of the internet age. I'd venture that if you compared the vitriol inherent in beliebers vs. Pewdiepie...ers? you'd see it's pretty similar.