What do you have against the World Wildlife Fund?
What do you have against the World Wildlife Fund?
My kiddo wanted to go as Chell. So we made the Portal device out of plastic bottles, coat hangers, a quaker oats cylinder, and copious amounts of hot glue and duct tape. She isn't wearing the long fall springs in this pic because paint was still drying. Sorry, the pic is kinda dark, you can't really make out PotatOS.
I prefer the casual fun of Super Samaritan Bros. Melee.
I've never understood all the hate for HD re-releases and remakes. Yes, we know. They're "old games". But by that definition, Fellowship of the Ring is an old movie, and that doesn't mean people don't want it on Blu Ray.
When I look back at the seventh console generation (PS3, Xbox 360, etc.), I can't help but feel that the creation of…
See, but I feel like the Dualshock or whatever the PS has now has the same issue as the nub of being TOO analogue. With more height, it'd be a bit more...slippery, for lack of a better word. That was my huge issue with the PS controllers, that and the thumbstick placements. :\
Still doesn't change the fact it's a missed opportunity. Either way, I hope Nintendo knows better when they design the next handheld. One analog just is not enough. And hopefully they move away from the 'nub' as well.
You would think, though, that these Monster Hunter 3DSes would have a second control stick. But I'm sure they won't.
Some feature badass space panthers and light sabers!
I see what's going on here: it's reverse psychology. He wants more erotic imagery of Elizabeth, so he asks the internet to stop.
Dear Ken Levine.
Rule 34.2
Stop making ponies of my daughter!
Remind me of the Jedi prank:
It's funny because you said "healthy" next to Doritos and Mountain Dew, lol.
If you buy one, print me a copy. =D
Root it. Then you can print your toilet paper with any custom design, scent, and texture you want.
Now we just have to miniaturize the printer, make it glow and slap it on some guys wrist!
magic you say? this calls for a dance