
I'll never forget the week I spent mastering Double Switch just so I could have friends over that weekend & let them watch me coast through the entire game due to memorizing all of the rooms timing. I've never been so proud of a game achievement. We didn't have let's plays to watch and memorize, I had to use trial and

I would shoot my mom with a mind bullet for a next generation Phantom Dust sequel!

That's why my Xbox One is not being used, wait that's not why, it's because I'm playing Dark Souls II not Tinyballs... I mean Titanfall.

I've been having that black screen issue. I have to unplug the power supply & plug it back in to fix. After all the dead 360's, now M$ up date's fuck with my systems. These things should include 10 year warranty's!

So much this!
Silverhawks were the best & they're long overdue for a comeback!!!

Next Capcom needs to update & release Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers for 2014!

This needs a release on all consoles & Steam stat!

I can't wait until they do this. Hell, Disney owns Marvel & is using a rip off technology for infinity, so they could do a marvel super heros & villians line & make a killing. Warner Brothers/DC comics would likely follow suit.

This comment does need a boost!

My friends, family & I all pronounce it with a hard G. I never knew anyone called them "jiffs". I'm going to continue to use the hard G. Eventually all the "jiff" people will die out & our ancestors will know only the almighty hard G "GIF"!

This is gonna sound racist but, I'm fucking sick of black consoles!
Can we just settle on various greys & stop these dust showing atrocities?

Once you've watched the Steamline dub, no other english speaking Kaneda or Tetsuo voice over will suffice!

You deserve a nomination for parent of the year!

I agree 100%! Although I wish all remakes could be like the Resident Evil remake for Gamecube. Definitely one of the finest remakes ever!!!

For the love of the force someone please do an HK-47 reference!!!

I get so tired of dc cramming their idea of this"trinity" down our throats year after year. Superman & Batman yes, but the third is most definitely Green Lantern or flash. The only reason WW is a more recognized character is because of the silly 70's television show. If that show never took place she'd be in line

My 1st controller. Oh how I miss you Coleco. You gave us a great gaming system and freakish cabbage children.

So much this! I watched it after a buddy recommend I check it out on Netflix. I found out after that it was a Boll film. Great movie! If he made all of his films that good, people would hate him a little less than Michael Bay. lol