

That's the great thing about Breaking Bad, how the roles completely reversed throughout the series.

Exactly what I'm saying. Kind of fishy only the posts kissing sony's ass over this indie garbage dump (ps4) get "reviewed". It's almost like these clowns are in Sony's pocket and the site and writers have zero crediblity as game bloggers.

Sonys sneaky language... making it's CONSOLE DEBUT on ps4. that smells of timed exclusives. there is no reason to get a ps4. hahaha this sony presser has been a joke

Who cares? I can already play all these games on my laptop or consoles I already own. Where are the sony exclusives that will make me want to drop $400 on the PS4?

Meh. Already played most of these already. How about something new?

Fez was a crappy psuedo platformer with weak puzzles that you'd find on the back of a cereal box. I know game journalists love to champion indie games but are there any real people who actually liked that game?

As someone who games extensively online on both consoles, I can say i despise the inconsistency and quality of Bluetooth on PSN compared to the cheap as hell, but works fantastically, 360 headsets. Give me shitty cheap wired ones anyday over the BT ones on PS3... imo.

Haven't you noticed all the Sony sponsored posts on Gawker? Kotaku is just another branch of Sony's marketing department

I like how kotaku puts a snarky negative spin on anything xbox related yet they won't put up a post that may be seen as negative in regards to the PS4 such as the 3.5 gb OS rumour going around lately. Wonder if it has anything to do with all the Sony sponsored posts....

Looks really bad.

He might be best option at center this year

Chris- Bob is the one writing you (from the hospital while he is managing dying patients who need emergency surgery). I have bigger fish to fry getting my kids to sleep and preparing for tomorrow.

No offense, but Chris seems to be the prick here.

"Noticeably missing from that rundown of the $100 boxed set? Any reference to digital media at all."

Professional chefs have a job: Make high quality food as quickly as possible for as many people at once. Even if it's slightly better to flip multiple times, they won't do it because it take so much more time and effort.

If you have an actual, real, documented, tested reason why flipping more is a bad thing, please…

It's funny. many folks on here claim to be pro-science, but the moment something food related with some science behind it is shown, so many folks seem to choose on the side of food folklore.

Goddamn I love hockey.

I think it's funny that everybody is gauging PS4's exclusive library with the launch titles. XBone has a few more, yes.