As a British car enthusiast and a close friend of a Land Rover Discovery 1st Gen driver, I wholeheartedly agree.
As a British car enthusiast and a close friend of a Land Rover Discovery 1st Gen driver, I wholeheartedly agree.
Whit seats in a truck. Have you ever been to Texas? Teenage girls here want trucks for how big they are and somehow think they are "cute".
"What Car Most Resembles An Easter Egg?"
Doesn't the Enterprise have to land on planets and navigate through asteroid fields or something? I don't know I've never seen the show.
I think I won with David.
There's nothing stopping you from adding one yourself.
I've never heard of this but I instantly knew it was Douglas Adams once I heard the name 'Total Perspective Vortex'
Cover the pallets in cheap fabric with a staple gun.
1st of all we should never patent touch screen gestures.
Reminds me of this quote from Schindler's List
Or the aborted love child of the Honda CRX and Pontiac Aztec.
My oldest brother is the only person I can think of that drives with their knees but only when driving on long trips. His car is automatic which grants him this ability, the main advantage of which is being able to snack with both hands whilst driving.
True but for not having '10&2' we are given
I give credit to the UK driving exam for the the fact my parents are good drivers, as like you say, they thought the UK exam was much harder than it's American counterpart. My mum had a friend who failed that test 7 times. In America failing the exam once is shocking, yet in the UK it takes 7. XD
Heartclick for you, good sir!