The Prince of Peugeot

I completely agree with you. I hate that people have started calling applications and programs and software 'apps'.

Or watch them on your computer with VLC....

"smug mom who is on the PTA board and no one likes."

As it mine but it's one letter off one that is.

I read the same but thought it would be

"Arch Linux’s Amazing Pacman Package Manager"

If I was in the Landcruiser I would've done the same thing.

Yes, it should as it wasn't the company's decision to drive the car. Also as the video said the driver should be completely aware of their surroundings and be prepared to take back control at any time.

Why the hell would you want to do that or think that the manufacturer of the car is at fault for an accident that wouldn't've happened if the 'driver' didn't decide to take the car on the road?

Don't you loose half the music this way as it only gives you left or right? The headphones shown above combine stereo sound into mono.

These can also be used by people deaf in one ear, as they many times miss half the music.

What is this white aurora the video seems to have at the top half?

"I don't walk into Burger King, slap you and take a cheeseburger, do I?"

Exactly if they made it $5 to see a movie in theaters, I would go all the time but $12-20 just isn't worth it.

Also cars

One word.

Yes, yes, WTFTXBBQ NO!!!

Did someone say Applejack?

"You say this is the stupidest idea ever. I disagree, sir. This it the most American idea ever." What's the difference?

Actually I think their PS3 Media controller is the best remote I've ever used.