The Prince of Peugeot

@GamerKT: watermark dude... top right corner

really tiny water-mark on the top right.... kinda a dead givaway

omg just the thought of using this with time machine makes me nerdgasm all over my keyboard....... :P

@Timmy: Ah I see what you did there! ;)

@bobkoure: but making it into a turbo charger is fun!

@OptionalJoystick: i have the heatsink under the ram door too but to get to the fan itself you would have to take apart the whole laptop.

if you're complaining about these rules and regulations to help keep you safe, then by all means, hire your own private jet and pilot!!!!

there are some childrens toys that are just a camera that follows them around by just rotating its self, i thought you were going to get one of those and get a larger motor and hook it up to the tele so where ever you go you can still see the tv.

how did he get it up there?

digital downloads only?!?!?

@wjglenn: we used to do something similar to that, you just cook some chicken thighs up and do the rice and cream of mushroom, then put the chicken in the middle of the plate with the soup and a ring of rice around it.

why do i still have to dual-boot to watch netflix!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

i still don't get why i have to dual-boot to watch netflix on my computer

@imag21: ubuntu is a linux distro, one of thge most popular and eaisest to use

@Kamatari +: how do you expand a partition!?!?!?!? i've been wondering this for a while now

@akuma_619: free as in air, no mater how much you want or how you use it always free