
Court Dracula: Habeas Corpse


This came out of nowhere. Never expected that they’d manage to get to make the third entry!

There’s a weird politics to it, too.

Now playing

Artist: High on Fire | Track: Slave the Hive | Album: Luminiferous

I’ll try to answer your questions as I feel they were presented (as a black American man):

Because almost none of those other minority groups you listed were brought to this country as slaves? Durrrrrrrr. I’m Indian. Literally every single Indian I know in America is here because they or their parents had a student visa to study to become an engineer or doctor. Not because they were ripped from their

It’s Harry Crane from Mad Men. I don’t know his real name but it doesn’t matter because he’s Harry Crane from Mad Men.

So much for the legitimacy of that “transracial identity” issue that so many TOTALLY NOT TRANSPHOBIC people were bringing up.

Trigger warnings in and of themselves aren’t a bad idea; it’s the way some want them applied that’s the problem. Telling students, “Hey, heads up, we’re going to talk about tough stuff next week, so come ready” is actually really useful and can even improve preparation and therefore discussion. Prefacing every goddamn

For real though, the movie had a really interesting point to make about self-determination. It’s not just about the women, who were born and bred to give birth or give milk-although THAT particular theme was plainly obvious-the “war boys” were born to be slaves, too, destined to go to war and die to go to Valhalla.

i can’t think of anything more stupidly american than bottled water

Yeah, someone got ripped off...

combine video games or video gaming with Hot Pockets in a way more natural than the picture above

my brother and I grew up on the simpsons. like, watched every show twice type of thing. this past Christmas at my grandparents house they had a marathon for a lot of the newer ones. we couldn't even get thru one episode, and we'd watched some of the older ones 100s of times. they just. fall a but flat. now that one of

From what I have heard you havent missed much. I love the older episodes. Something seems off about the newer ones.

Kids should be required to at least try anything before they reject it because “it looks funny,” though. I don’t agree with making kids eat everything they hate, but they damn sure shouldn’t get to sit in their plain-hamburgers-with-ketchup-and-maybe-plain-cheese-pizza comfort zone all the time (I’M LOOKING AT YOU, MY

At the risk of sounding sexist, the hair on these two actresses are fabulous. Really gorgeous and beautiful, really frames their already beautiful faces. What a great look for both of them.