
What boggles my mind is the way people say and do these things without a single thought to the fact that this isn't okay. They act like this is just how things are done.

I am a Burner. I treat people with respect. I don't think the world owes me anything. I try not to lump people all into one category, like, for instance, blaming the entire city of Reno for the numerous hostile encounters I've had with junkies. I understand that there are a lot of people in the city of Reno and I have

I guess for me it would depend entirely upon what sort of moves and routines are being taught. Do they learn the fine art of grinding oneself a lawful distance away from a someone's face? Are they instructed in the upside-down boobie shake? Taught to grab dollars artfully with their teeth while gripping the pole just

Oh damn, well scratch that Decompression idea then!

Oh wow, you really did do the whole bit. I'm so sorry your time there sucked. I've heard that the people on the serious work side of the deal can get very snooty, especially rangers etc due to burn out. I like the quieter places myself and spending more time socializing than listening to overly loud electronic music

You hit it right on the nose. I hope you find your way to the playa someday, we would love to have you.

Well Burning Man IS for you! Everything is free/trade inside. I got lots of free lemonade (both spiked and not XD).

Some are, yes. Lots aren't. Sorry you had a bad experience but it doesn't really make things better to lump everyone into the same nasty pile. Every group has assholes.

It absolutely can and does, and so many things can depending on what you put into them. I met my husband at a rave 7 years ago, and though we are no longer a part of that general scene I am forever grateful that I found my bestest friend who also sexes me there.

Out of curiosity, were you there the whole week or just the weekend? Only asking because on Saturday (Burn night) I got very overwhelmed with 'oh holy god I'm at a nasty rave (former raver, so I would know XD)' so I spent the evening in center camp and felt lovely.

Oh I can imagine, as I did go grocery shopping there on my way out. There is a percentage of our culture that is just, er... nasty. But considering the constant nasty of downtown Reno (just downtown, mind, I know the suburb areas are different) and having to deal with a different sort of crack-head every time I step

I wouldn't doubt that it does happen, because there are always people who will prey on others and take advantage of the situation, but Burning Man as a whole does not condone such things. One of the big workshops that was going on had ads all over saying things like "Silence Does Not Equal Consent".

That is the most beautiful Burn love story I have ever heard. Congrats on your union and many blessings to the both of you!

I felt COMPLETELY the same way before I went.

God forbid people bring commerce into the classy joint known as Reno XP

Yes they are pricey, they run from $280 - $400, not including scholarship and low-income tickets but that is for an entire week. Whereas 3 days at, say, Coachella is comparable in price. Also you bring all your own food, water, alcohol and such and when you're inside it is a cash-free society. You trade or are gifted