This might be close.
Morgan Lake makes amazing swim after a near deadly fall from a 40 story bridge.
Beware, The Zimmer-Man!!!
Nope, it was you. Or, people like.
Doubled from what 2 to 4? duh-duh-dunt
I used to ask my mom what the name of the "Dump Truck" car was.
But, but, but, he's got the illest airdam alive?
Now it has wings. I hate commercials.
Take Godzilla...
Holy hole in a donut, Batman. That was fast.
I was hoping someone would get it.
Just 4 more mph, and he could have went back and made it look like it never happened.
Now with 100% more quickening!
If this were a game I would lose. The vehicross line of thinking gets me every time.
In other news. Fedex and UPS have just announced a merger. The new entity will be known as Fedup.
But, will it drift?