
Shelby replica?

Stig approved gloves sold seperatly

borrowed from Richard Gere

Wants to be a modern supercar by catching fire.

If you mention him...He will come!

Karma...Can't hide from it...Can't name your cars after it.

I have now lost all trust in the interwebs...

The vaporware engine tech for this was developed in a barn in my area. The guy was running a Fox body that supposedly was getting over 100 mpg. It was on the local news and at a couple of shows. Once he became involved with Revenge things quieted down a lot. I've even hear some conspiracy theories that he was put


Reventon Wheels - Absured Car - Great Wheels. Very Food Processory.

Looks to me like a foot of extra room for my wide 'murican ass. Even it would never happen to end up it one.