

Assassin's Creed games are also very nice for scenery, mainly urban types.


In the picture, why has the laptop been stripped? Couldn't you just put the laptop in the pizza box without tearing it apart? Just wondering...

Been a fan of Catch Notes since it was 3Banana. Great App!

Now what are you talking about when you say "high quality"? Surely not just the resolution, right?

What I've always been successfully using is long-pressing the menu key to toggle the keyboard manually.

You can probably look into "backup" options for this situation.

OsCommerce is often targeted for attacks.

VOTE: Youtube

Awesome! I could follow the example letter-for-letter (nearly, 'android.apk' was 'android-2.apk' in my case) because I just wanted to get rid of Twitter! Thanks for a great tip!

Write blog posts with useful hints, tips, or just a getting started guide for completely inexperienced users (old people)


When you do a list of bigger guns, you gotta put in the gun from Fifth Element!

I've dealt with Godaddy a few times before. Man, their website is a goddamn maze! (I'm a happy hostmonster customer)


Is point 10 in contradiction with point 6?