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Aw, it was just a simple mistake :(
But if you think it’ll help:

You can run it several ways!

Ive played many f2p games, and usually i never stick with them. Ones ive played for a month or more?

I mean, if your graphics card can run Fallout 4 at native resolution and 60fps, mods shouldn’t affect the performance overhead that much. You’ll most likely only get noticeable performance deficits by bad configurations or by having a low-end GPU.

I think the success of this model will swing heavily on how the implement additional characters. If they add some for free or do a reasonable season pass model, it could be ok. If they try and do a pre-order exclusive or charge individually, it could blow up in their faces. I trust Blizzard, Activision? Not so much...

I disagree. I think as long as the dlc is reasonably priced its ok. Like, a new hero, 4 or 5 bucks. Not lol 15 to 20 bucks.

i agree.. myself and friends were interested in the game as a F2P just like hots, but if they will go with the B2P they better get a better deal, cause right now you can get very similar experiences for free.

I like what you have said, I just wanted to add one little side note. League of legends was actually going to be a buy-to-play title, I remember being in skype with a buddy and he was bitching about how he pre-ordered the game. I believe it was announced a few months before the release that it would instead be

Ok, not trying to be a dick here, but I’ve been drinking. That said, your complaint is that a company is trying to make a profit off of their work? I doubt it will be F2P anytime soon if they are willing to charge 60 bucks. Plus, look at the total amount you have to spend on Heroes or Hearthstone to get “everything”

I like what you’re saying, but I am an old. I remember the days of paying for full content out of the gate. We’ve let the gaming companies get away with nickel and dime’ing with LoL/HON/Hearthstone. The original DOTA required the Warcraft III Battlechest basically which was $20 at the time and not only did I play the

For $60 you get the first 20-something heroes. And when they add more heroes, we’ll see what happens. Blizzard knows they are entering uncharted territory.

Dota was pretty popular even when you needed a WC3 install to play it.

I always end up getting fairly addicted to the f2play games I’ve spent time with, but I end up getting frustrated during matches more so than any of the games I’ve actually payed full price for. If the open multiplayer is what makes it so enticing for you, I can see why. But with all the complaints and frustration

there are no microtransaction in dota.

With a base buy-to-play model, it would be a horrible decision on Blizzard’s part to then churn out pay-for Heroes. The negative press, calls for refunds, etc.

It would make a lot more sense to keep the MTs to cosmetics only, perhaps releasing packs of new characters every so often, in the style of expansions.

Then, if

you are making a huge assumption that there will be microtransactions for new content. That’s not a certain detail and if that’s not the case your entire argument falls apart.

Going after the money of their fans describes every business ever.

I don’t know why everyone assumed this game would be f2p in the first place. Probably because people won’t stop comparing it to Team Fortress 2.

MacBooks can run Windows 10 :)