
Streaming from my PC to my Xbone makes sense. Streaming my Xbone to my 1440p monitor... not so much.

“Remember that apollo launch that killed some astronauts, who did that again? Oh ya, the experts of NASA.”

I hope you’re being sarcastic, but if not:

What? You realise that Space X is a private company right?

You have no idea what you are talking about! SpaceX is pushing the envelop way beyond anything NASA has done with their rockets. They are trying to land the damn rocket back on earth saving a ton of money. NASA has never done that.

When you say things like that and then ignore facts and history, it makes you sound uneducated. NASA has always been working with series of contractors and outside companies.

“Leave this stuff to the experts” as if SpaceX isn’t filled with them.

Because NASA got pathologically afraid of failure. Spend a decade in studies before even attempting to build a prototype? Yep - because a failure was a career killer and there was no real push to do anything. Add in Congress redirecting NASA’s budget priorities from this to that and making sure that Congressman X got

SpaceX is doing more and at a faster pace than current-day NASA did or could today.

NASA is good at a few things, but not everything. They’re not good at doing stuff on the cheap. SpaceX can fund *dozens* of launches on the cost of a single NASA launch. Nor is this a mutually exclusive deal. We have a better “space program” when both NASA and SpaceX exist.

I have a lot of games that run smoothly at 1080p/60fps

Behold the new Windowses: W10 Home, W10 Office, W10 Enterprise, W10 Play.


Eh, I wouldn’t say this is a reaction from them because ‘PC is theirs to take,’ but instead that it’s theirs to lose. With SteamOS on the horizon with the Steam controller, Steam machines/Steam link and also Sony’s fluid relationship with PC ports for their developed exclusives, hopefully this is Microsoft finally

It’s more like Microsoft finally realized PC gaming doesn’t compete with their Xbox business.

Without GameWorks there will be no smoke in your hair.

Or maybe it was delayed because they wanted to polish it and hey I don’t think its fair call it souless because it looks like has a lot of love poured into its design alone to make it look very Mad Max-y

I’m glad this game is out. Not because I’ve been looking forward to play it but because I’m still looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077.

The answer there is that Oculus has significantly higher standards for what constitutes an acceptable VR experience than Sony does. If you get the Sony version of VR, don’t expect to be happy with it. Not until the PS5, at least.

Yep freedom comes with dangers if your dumb enough to download an EXE and not check it that is on you if you don’t understand simple things like that don’t buy a pc stick to Slave systems like apple products that “keep it simple” aka restrict you to what they think is safe for you. So yes would I like to have the