
I never thought about the fact that the standalone headset can still use their processing power when hooked to a PC. I just assumed it became a PC headset when connected but you can def use the headsets processing to help with performance. 

I think phone VR was a great entry point for the price. I got my GearVR headset for 50$ and it let me experience basic VR and show it off to my parents with ease. Of course its basic, but I expect that for the price and convenience. It’s a shame it got completely abandoned, VR needs to be as accessible as possible for

Im going to guess based on what I saw, but I dont think this will be a “open” game where you choose who you play as, looks a lot more story/sequence focused like an Uncharted type game. I think you’ll just play as different heroes through out the story,not selecting your fave and playing coop.

I’d trust the creator to know whats best for the series. Better to end on a bang then go on too long and maybe lose the magic. Whatever show they make next has a good chance of being awesome.

*CLEARS THROAT* Fiiiiiiiinnnnnnaaaaalllllllyyyyyyyyy.

LOL. after watching many cooking shows, the difference between the restaurant and home cooking is about 2 pounds of butter.

EA: We could make millions but not billions so its a waste of time.

If I get some speaker implants in my biceps then this pillow will have nothing on me!

Ah, the classic Widow, Ana, Mcree and Hanzo on attack.

It should be the parents responsibility to manage their kids game time. If stadia has simple parental lock features like locking the account during school hours and what not should be a non issue. Back in the day I just brought by GBA in class, it wouldn't have changed much to what kids do today.

Wheres the RTX 2080ti Super? 

Its forever free on PC.

If the game ads had only hypersexualized men and women, then people would complain of under representation of LGBTTQQIAAP. If they put them in, then they get shit on anyways, really there is no winning.

Man did bungie drop the ball with destiny. This super expansive universe and all they have is a handful of locations, including some from the first game. Wtf are the devs doing? It just seems like all they are doing are asset flips from destiny 1.

Piracy never looked better.

I cant wait for AR to get good in like another 10 years so that it actually looks like this trailer. 

Google also warns me but I can say heck and still download it. It's good practice to warn your user but it's also good practice to let people do what they want.

They should update that, it would be easy enough. Another thing that they could add as an update would be a multiplayer mode like chicken horse where people keep adding obstacles until they are the last one standing. 

Interesting... of course Microsoft would say yes, if Sony uses their servers then they will get money for every Sony game being played, and if the cost is lower then Sony having their own servers/service, then it’s win/win for both parties.

They need to polish up the driving and terrain traversal. Maybe have rock climbing like in zelda so you can scale to high vantage spots. Also rappelling on building like in Rainbow Six.