
They aren’t all bad.

Running the game at native resolution and 60 FPS is not indicative of your PC’s strength. Unless you meant at MAX graphical settings. But I can just turn down a game to LOW and have 60 FPS if my computer is older. But graphical mods usually go above the maximum graphical setting. So running skyrim at 60fps on medium

I don’t think they will have graphical mods. I could be wrong but it would be hard to implement. Crazy graphical mods on PC are made with the fact that the PC is very strong. You’re not gonna run Skyrim with a ton of graphical mods on a shitty computer.

That is content. New heroes is content in a MOBA game. Sometimes they will also add modes and maps. TF2 has tons of updates with tons of content.

The greedy aspect is them cashing in on their fans who will buy the game for 40$ and then the eventual F2P transfer.

As for adding a healthy streams of content, your comment about MMO makes no sense. All current F2P games have content added to them regularly, probably at a higher rate than any MMO ever had.

No of course they should make profit, but it’s shown that proper F2P models already makes a shit ton of money.

We will have to wait and see how the game is updated, but I feel like that amount of money to get everything will be on par with HON and Hearthstone except you will have already paid 40-60$ for the base game.

Dota 2 still has all content and balance for free so that’s 20$ less that the original Dota. How is that not better? I feel like it’s use of the F2P model is the right one.

I agree with you when it comes to the way games have cut content and bonuses/costume/secrets/cheats to make it DLC. Those adding microtransactions

It is a guess, but a safe one in my opinion. Not saying it will happen a month after launch. Heck it won’t probably happen for 2 years or more but once the number of people that play goes down going F2P is typically the route studio’s go for. Blizzard has done this on both WOW and Starcraft 2.

They could always go the

I’m not saying it’s not different, I’m saying it’s still a good example of a profitable F2P game and that the F2P model is what made it the success that it is. And LOL is the same in the way that the F2P model is what made it’s success. Idealy Blizzard would copy the model and make money on cosmetic and e-sport.

That is true but if we look at how big it has become, with the whole e-sport side, I don’t think it could of gotten as big if the game was 40$.

All heroes are free in Dota but there still are microtransactions for cosmetic stuff no? I mentioned Dota because I was saying that Blizzard could do the same. Make the game free with all heroes free for ever, and just sell the shit out of everything else and make mad bank. Either way they will make crazy amounts of

For me it’s more about the fact that the game looks cool, but I’d never spend 40$ to play it. If I could play it for free and then enjoyed it and saw some cool things to purchase, they would have a higher chance of making money off me.

As for what you are saying, do you think it has to do with most F2P game being

Well I doubt the F2P switch would happen that soon. I’d say AT LEAST a year but probably more 2. The switch from paid title to F2P has been done (Team Fortress 2) so it can definitely work.

As for DLC packs vs. individual Heroes, there is two sides to that coin, some people (myself included) rather have the option to

You are correct but there are ways of doing it in a way that isn’t greedy. Maintaining a good relationship with your fans will have them coming back to spend way more money. My friends have spent WAY more money in Dota2 than any other game with DLC packs.

Actually Team Fortress 2 wasn’t always F2P. It changed over time. Exactly what Blizzard will do with Overwatch.

I am taking a guess yes, but I’m basing this on the answers Blizzard gave. Saying “we are looking into it” is PR talk for yes but we don’t want to tell you right now. I could be wrong, and the game could have DLC packs, but I doubt they won’t sell heroes individually.

But this just opens the debate of what is DLC vs

What? Is Dota 2 a F2P game? Does it make money? Do people play it?

The fact that microtransactions are solely cosmetic doesn’t change anything to what I said. Not because Valve has a sensible F2P model that it’s not comparable to other F2P.

I agree with this in most instances, but some games are meant to be F2P. Dota 2 or LOL would not be nearly as enticing and popular if they had a 40$ price tag BEFORE all the microtransactions (sure they are popular enough now that they could pull it off but if they launched that way they wouldn’t have the popularity

I actually tested Stargate so very long ago. The section open for testing was one level that was about 15 minutes long. We ran the level so much that we were using dev commands to just spawn explosions and stress test the game for crashes. After 2 weeks I was switched project and never saw that game again. It was

I never really liked TWD so their game didn’t hit home for me. I loved tales of borderlands tho, quite funny and good choices to make.