
I gotta say, I wasn’t a fan of Skyrim, but this announcement was great. I really can’t wait to play. The crafting of weapons and armor looks great. They hit the nail on the head too with the building where it becomes a growing camp with raids and such. If it was just building without anything else I wouldn't of been

Im the opposite, I use a controller except for games that requires competitive precision (Titanfall, Battlefield, Team Fortress 2). When I have the space to have a gaming den I would def get a steering wheel.

Sure but you pay for quality. The xbone and dualshock 4 are way better controllers and feel nicer when holding them. I got my Xbone controller for 30$ at a flash sale in EB games. Also I think you meant:

Just saw the new one. I enjoyed it. The ending is super fucking cheesy tho. But whatever.

I’d get a PS4 controller before getting a Logitech F310 or F710. Why does it make more sense, The end result is using it on your PC. Because the PS4 can also be used on a PS4 makes it less good than one that does only PC?

Amazing. I would love that machine, omg.

Great stuff. It almost looks like CG, graphics are getting there. if not later in this generation, the next one will be on par with animation movies, so excited.

You get levels mainly by crafting badges. You need cards for that. But you don’t need to spend money other then buying games. The trick is to sell some cards to use the funds to complete other series. I’ve spent 0$ more then money I generated from sales and Im at level 36 now. I do own a shit ton of games tho. Of

You get levels mainly by crafting badges. You need cards for that. But you don’t need to spend money other then buying games, if the games in humble bundles have trading cards then they are the best value. The trick is to sell some cards from one serie to use the funds to complete other series. I’ve spent 0$ more than

Not as big a marathon as other people but when I was younger I got my hands on a PS1 with MGS and had no memory card. Beat the game in one sitting because if not I was never gonna finish it. Took me about 10 hours.

It did have issues but that’s what sequels are for. Their reasoning is garbage. No one expects a studio to keep all the flaws of its design in a sequel, quite the opposite.

Hey sega, remember when you had Platinum Games makes the only good games you’ve published in the last 10 years. Give them Sonic. They make some of the fastest gameplay around and even if they write a horrible story, at least the game will play like a dream and finally we can go fast with Sonic again.

Getting to refund a game and rebuying it on sale is nice too, it sucks when you buy a title and the next day its 50% off.

I’ve never played WOW so I’m just guessing here but if people spent real cash (heck even crazy amounts of time which is money since you need a sub) for a rare flying mount I would be pretty annoyed if it was all in vain.

Was it on this site? Maybe old Kotaku had ways for seeing your email? But ya having an opinion seems like a big nono when testing.

I wasn’t guessing, I was telling what happened when I was working on the game. They want to make it good, so delays in that sense are good because it does mean they care, but at the time they just couldn’t get to somewhere where they were happy. Im not saying Avalanche is a bad studio, I’m saying they were just

Thanks for the heads up, Im not too worried, I don’t work there anymore and unless Kotaku (Kinja) gives them my info I don’t see how they would know who I am.

The game has no soul. it was delayed because they didn’t know what to do with it. Now it looks like they haven’t figured it out. Last time I played the game was a long time ago, but back then it was obvious they wanted to make the game fun but weren’t too sure how. I feel like they have more effort going into Just

Well I was already getting an upgrade soon because my career in visual arts is going well and I need better 3d rendering so Ill get the PC version for sure. But what I mean is there is optimal settings and then settings people can choose to set. I wouldn’t restrict users. We will have to see when it’s out. But not

The original post said, “I like having control over my system” was in reference that I prefer the “risk” of getting malware but having options and control.