
Those are recommended. Surely if I used it in a game and turn the setting to medium on a rig that usually almost maxes out games it will run just fine. How are they getting VR on PS4 if the tech in there is already dated?

Well I did play it for 20 hours or so, but when the story you create is a copy paste with variation, I got bored. Most caves have either bandits or those zombie things. The dragons were cool the first time until you saw their AI and attack patterns. The reason I enjoyed Dark Souls was because I felt like exploring was

Video Length 4:20... coincidence. I think not! BLAZE IT!

I think it finally is patched up? Anyways I found Skyrim boring after 20 hours, didn’t feel like I’d see much more. I had way more fun going through Dark Souls and The Witcher 2 at the time. Sure the worlds weren't as open but they had more engaging content.

Except that Skyrim didn’t make it, they release a broken game, especially on PS3. So broken they had given up to release DLC on it.

Even then, you would think Bioshock had more processing to do. How long ago did you play it? Maybe it got updated and will run better? Seems more like a bug then your computer not being strong enough.

I feel ya, I was assuming you didn’t have the PS4 already.

You can get a 500$ PC and play almost any game you want, and it will be at LEAST as good looking then on PS4 and ACTUAL 1080p. If your computer is getting really old, it can also be an upgrade for your system. Add on top of that the cheaper prices of games on PC and you’ll be saving money (depends how much you game

If you think they just let developers make game for it, you need to read about certification and how much that cost.

Its all good. Im realising how much people are fan boys of one side or the other. Will someone think about the children!

2 years with this rig, 0 malware. It’s not that hard to know what you are downloading, and having your computer secure. Like those times Sony got hacked and all your info was secure.

hahahaha, so true

Actually, I use my PC for visual arts, so I do need the power. Ideally I would need a workstation GPU but I can manage pretty well with the gaming one I have.

They probably are owned by the testers. I did such test on the PS3 back in the day for battlefield 3. It’s to test under real world environment, because testing in a lab where the connection is perfect VS testing with everyones shity internet is different. Also they would need too many consoles for them to supply to

I can choose to have mods or not, which mods or not. I can choose between better graphic fidelity or faster FPS. I can play my games at any resolution the screen I am on is. I can use different controllers, mouse and keyboard. PC will also have the most choices of VR sets when those are ready. I can customise my PC in

Sure I get it, Linux is real freedom, but you still don’t have enough games for a gaming PC to go full linux yet. And it’s not like windows prevents me from doing anything I want on my system. So unless you built your Linux version from scratch, then someone is also holding your hand.

The consoles are WAY more

Hahaha I used to work at VMC, that place is a SHITHOLE. Do as we say, not as we do, bug quotas that make testers write anything as a bug to keep the boss happy. They would lie to the devs telling them every tester has a computer with recording capabilities when we actually had 1 for every 20 testers, creating

Well I was there 8 years ago so things could have changed. Also corporate policy is one thing, daft lazy employees is another.

If the day the game launched they had 4 display copies and after a week or 2 they need the shelf space then you do get some opened copies in the back. But we were never told to open them all.

Well I was there 8 years ago so things could have changed. Also corporate policy is one thing, daft lazy employees

I’d rather have full control over my system then have sony or microsoft holding my hand and more often than not limiting me. I can take care of my own machine thank you.

Well I worked at EB games like 8 years ago and we would open the copies on the floor to prevent theft. We would make sure to get any code or cd key with it. But if we had other copies in the back those would be sealed. I didn’t know of any law saying it was illegal. I’m also in Canada. To be fair, PC games were almost

Well I worked at EB games like 8 years ago and we would open the copies on the floor to prevent theft. We would make