
The dragons had a nice model, but their animations were blocky and unnatural. Their A.I. was deplorable. Most people I know who LOVE Skyrim ended up hating the dragons as being a distracting gimmick.

But you just proved my point. COD titles and FIFA sell a TON of copies. Those 2 titles have a ton of marketing, no matter how good or bad the game is, it will sell. Same applies for Skyrim. Also sales does not equal quality. How did Skyrim have quality on PS3 if it had constant crashing, no DLC and corrupt saves? It

How do I have no fucking clue? Please explain your point of view. Clearly you think that Skyrim had amazing design.

I didn't say the game failed, au contraire it made a TON of money. That doesn't make the game good. Good marketing made this game sell well, it still had poor design. The dragons were poor design, every fucking cave being filled with undeads was poor design, the leveling system was poor design, the radiant system was

That's bullshit though. Bethesda isn't some small indie game company, they have no excuse for the PS3 release. At most they could of just delayed the title. Everyone is sipping Bethesda's kool aid to the point where they blame themselves for playing the game on the wrong console. To me Bethesada are a bunch of

The reason for the long delay was the PS4. The game was coming along great but still had lots of work to go and then Sony decided the game will benefit greatly from being on PS4. So the time it took to bring the game up to PS4 quality and now working on finishing the title explains perfectly well why there are delays.

I will have to disagree about your love for the new DMC. It's good at most, not "world class". I worked on the game for almost 4 months and thought the level design was pretty boring, hallway, room with enemies, hallway, room with enemies. BORING. The combat was fun and stylish that's for sure. In the end I thought


Lots of games have good touch controls, its up to the game designer to be more creative and build games around the touch screen and not rely on on-screen gamepad. Example, "Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor" has great controls and would lose some of its dynamics if made with physical buttons and joysticks controls. In

The game has to change name, so please refrain from using War Z©

Ya I'm guessing the only reason the PS3 is getting the first one for free is because they had the space on the blu ray so they thought why not? X360 would definitely need either a download code or a second disc. Also the PS3 came out later, so maybe they felt that the other platforms had a better chance of already

I use a vaporizer. #winning

0 cases of lung cancer from marijuana only smokers, so really its debatable on how bad it is. Also the use of vaporizers have grown a lot and also comestibles. So really the health issue is completely void. Do you drink alcohol? 100 times worst than any forms of marijuana to the human health.

Paying for your lunch or not, free pie is a no brainer!

Obvious troll is obvious. You know trolling works both way right? If me trolling you got you free stuff, then I can say I did my good actions of the week. Also you could easily make a dummy account and keep replying, thus giving you infinite amount of free pie.

1. Late to the game? The one your bitching about?

You need to use your credit card for a 50$ purchase? Maybe you should get a better job.

All dlc is planned out and unless end game is dino mode, it's not gonna happen. my hopes is it makes bf4.

You can also watch it on the many free streaming websites. I found it on 1 channel in 2 seconds.

I don't think GTA: San Andreas is supposed to be the whole state. Unless the state is tiny. I think San Andreas was just a part of the state with 3 city's in there. A state with only 3 cities sounds quite small to me.