
He meant to say "42."

Or if the wall was really built by the Chinese.

So much fail...

At least we don't have onramp lights though!

I started to answer this but instead I think I'll write a few words here saying that many of the ideas I had were things that I didn't want to appear only to have Kinja go all 404 and not let me remove them.

I think that's how you sell cars to everyone.

Congratulations, Mr. ATX211 and Mr. Hermann - Fantasy WRC Champion, on COTD today! I have for each of you a Hummer which this lovely lady will bring to you as soon as she finds a ladder.

Automakers can make a car that appeals to all women, by simply making a good car. Sounds obvious, that's because it's blindingly obvious. What women want, what men want (i.e., everyone, for the laypeople), is a solid car. Cars can totally have neutral styling (in terms of gender appeal) and look damn good. E-Type?

Congrats ATX211 and Herman - Fantasy WRC Champion on COTD. Some may ask for a "sammich", but round these parts, we ask for tacos. Enjoy some Tacos al Pastor. Ice cold Cerveza Carta Blanca on the way to wash it down

Fire tornado emerging from Bane-controlled, killer sinkhole? Jesus. I'm not going outside for the rest of the day.


Now playing

Calmly walking away from explosion, you say?

COTD nom for sure! Also, having a 4 year old boy, I can definitely relate!.

My Bro Truck brings all the coal to the yard,

"Sir, I've seen another pattern on the car sales beside we aren't selling to women: All buyers are 18+ years old, regardless of gender. We aren't selling any of our trucks to children."

Because we all want female Asian truck drivers on the road.

Ahem. That's salmon.


I was saying just yesterday I wish there was an Amazon for cars.

So is this a regular LEGO kit, or will it be a TECHNIC one?