
Do somethin

Antarctica? I mean sure the physical border crossing is a breeze, but you have to get there first.

Yeah, that's kind of game over.

It really took until the second gen came around for me to understand that car.

Ooh, that's a good one. I am inclined to say no just because of the size of the brakes vs the margin they would pull off of adding them, but then nobody said an Escalade had to make sense. Now if they added them as a premium option they would sell like crazy because "Bro, i totally need the stopping power. This

I don't know. I think they are going to stick with the 22 on the premium.

I remember the first time I had a beer.

"Splashed with liquids"...Someone took a leak on your car.

In former Soviet Union, Train rail you.


What is a dream car for yourself that you have not done yet?

I'm with you. I really don't get the sedan thing, and never understood the SUV...But, that is one nice fucking sedan on the interior. Pretty funky looking exterior, but damn if I didn't find my friend's Turbo S to be a pretty nice ride. That said...S65 bro.


Yippee, another GT90. You're not going to like it. I know I won't

Dom would headbutt everyone to death, after always out-driving anyone who tried to kill his family with a car. Then he would family his family, because family is family, until they are family with family...Family. Starts looking like a weird word doesn't it?

Central Austin Elevated. Round Rock altogether.
