I completely agree. I think she should (and knowing her, I’m sure she will) release a statement about it and I really doubt she knew about it to begin with.
I completely agree. I think she should (and knowing her, I’m sure she will) release a statement about it and I really doubt she knew about it to begin with.
I also see this trend on Jezebel.
And that is their point. For most minority, as well as other, groups in this country it will change FAR worse under Trump than Clinton. Acting like you get to always be in love with your candidate shows naivete or inexperience
Because Trump and Clinton have the exact same position on reproductive rights, immigration, universal health care, climate change, LGBT rights, governmental regulation, alternative energy, taxes, social security, Medicare................oh wait.
And over here on your left, folks, we have a Bernie baby in his natural habitat. Note his willful ignorance in failing to understand exactly WHY Guantanamo Bay is still open. He thinks the president is a king, who can do whatever he wants, without an act of congress. See also 2010 midterms in which Bernie babies…
Or have them say something so astronomically stupid as maybe America should suffer under Trump in order to spark a revolution.
Fucking over those who will suffer as a result of a Trump presidency, including those with uteruses, undocumented immigrants, people with pre-existing health conditions or on Medicare, is absolutely a privilege, genius, because you and your white privileged college educated self will be just fine, won’t you?
I completely agree - I do think though, that given the other options, that there is a moral imperative to vote because the alternative is really, REALLY that bad.
Urrrgh please also say sorry to the world? Like, this is bigger than just the USA, ok?!
I mean, all we can do is use our voices to keep the spotlight on issues we care about. There is no guarantee that any politician, despite their best intentions, can accomplish any of their campaign promises given how congress runs. The best bet we have is to become unrelentingly vocal so that they can’t ignore it and…
Do you really want to watch the world burn?
I might be wrong, but it sounds to me like you’re not Muslim, you’re not Mexican, you’re not black, not a journalist, not any of the other groups who are directly in Trump’s crosshairs. Since your life won't really change, you have the luxury of sitting this one out even if it means President Trump. Sorry America!
The truth is, Hillz is a damn good Democrat. No she is not a radical leftist (that’s a good thing). She would be a damn good POTUS. Not voting for her wreaks of idiocy not being principled.
This. When people say “she’s not trump isn’t enough” aren't thinking! Trump or Cruz can do some really scary shit nationally and internationally. Like I'm legit worried.
Sanders and his campaign painted Hillz as a villain responsible for all the evil in the world. The Sanders supporters like Fox News viewers have no concept of reality.
That is because you are a low informed voter. You buy into tumblr and Twitter bullshit memes rather than actually reading about the candidates. Such armchair self-congratulatory LAZY outrage. HRC is a damn good liberal. A feminist history shattering Democrat for POTUS. If you fucking think she us evil or anything like…
I don’t get it at all. I voted for Bernie in my state’s primary, but it makes literally no sense to sit this one out. She might not be as progressive as I’d like, but at least she won’t be sending us backwards. And we can keep pressure on her throughout her presidency to come through with her campaign promises. But…
Nope she has more experience, she was the Secretary of State. She's been a senator. And honestly she's pragmatic, which I think is an important quality to have when dealing with the rest of the politicians that need robe worked with. That's why I'm voting for her. She and Bernie agree on about 90% of their policies so…
Way to get Trump elected and the next SCOTUS nominee to be a complete shitshow!
Donald Trump thanks you for your support. Enjoy your privilege!