A Small Turnip

I have mixed feelings about piracy in general when it comes to media that can otherwise be enjoyed for free(so for instance downloading an album vs. listening to it on youtube) but for specialist software like this and with these particular millionaires? That’s just being an asshole for no reason.

oh my god it just gets better:

As someone from a blue collar family with both parents and several extended family in the public sector, I hate Chris Christie. But fat jokes, real original....douche.

This is amazing and 100% accurate.

I’m guessing this.

would it, though? the entire RNC despises cruz.

It would be irresponsible not to speculate. This Washington Post editorial is a thing of beauty:

Where the dog is Christie, and the cupcakes are the presidency.

I was watching this last night. At some point Trump said something about how all politicians are shit then quickly added “except Christie”. It was such a hollow and pandering statement. I’ll be cringing for days.

Chris Christie is clearly aiming for the VP position. The problem is that Trump is so unpredictable, who knows who the he’ll he’ll end up choosing for that, but you can bet it won’t be the very unpopular Christie who performed so badly in the election. He embarrassed himself so much for a guy that could care less

ACA is a major thing they got done. Let's not forget that.

I’m a Bernie supporter all the way, so I feel the frustration, but let’s be real here: Hillary will be leaps and bounds better than a “President Trump.” At least put it this way: at worst, Hillary will indeed do nothing, but at worst, Trump will wreak real havoc. Hell, we’re still picking up the pieces from the Reagan

Hillary’s not even to the right of President Obama or Joe Biden. She’s roughly on par with Elizabeth Warren according to On The Issues. :p

Yeah, I find that opinion morally reprehensible. Obviously Hillary is to the right of Bernie, but she’s not racist troll who wants to commit war crimes. Like, wtf is wrong with people?!?

Yes, because someone with a string of bankruptcies, who lobs disgusting insults at every racial minorty and women, and who doesn’t want to denounce the KKK is totally equivalent to Hillary Clinton.

Thing is, that dosen’t matter as much as we want to belive. They have a lot of support at the state/county level where assholes like Kim Davis and asshole governors can cause a lot more shit than at the federal level.

Not if you let the senate be dominated by conservatives.

It’s not a certain that the Democrats will win. There is a lot of noise from those supporting Bernie that they will not vote for Hillary because they truly believe Hillary is a Republican. Some have said they would rather vote for Trump over Hillary. I don’t fully understand this thinking, but it’s there, and we could

I kinda do too, but at the same time, we all thought wouldn’t get this far in the primaries and now we’re all, “What went wrong?”

Be careful what you wish for. Trump appeals to a lot of democrats as well. He’s cutting a wide swath of voters, being a populist and gaining support.