A Small Turnip

You can. There are various methods (centrifuging sperm to separate X-bearing sperm from Y-bearing sperm, flow cytometry, and molecular methods).

You know who had a chance to be cool?


I don’t even have a kid to thank for my lopsided boobs. These are ALLLL genetics, baby.

I’m glad no one filmed me at the Outlet Mall grabbing my lithe 3 year old by the shoulder and pushing him against the wheel of my SUV with my knee while juggling my baby’s car seat into the carriage. All so he wouldn’t run into oncoming traffic. Booooo hissssss motherhood.

Because there exists one example does make all cases identical. Both the President and the Senate have said plenty of true statements as well.

Yeah, it was well done. Tomatoface school, I’d say.



Honey, dear, baby, I love the way you type.

Actually its an infantile attempt to be dismissive. It’s normally used by people who are well aware their point of view is unsupportable. If you can’t argue the fact, argue the sentiment.

And you still don’t get it - The President is saying he will do his job. The Senate majority is saying they won’t do their job. There is no reason to assume either party is lying.

Except that they don’t. Democrats have never been across the board, wholesale abstructionists like the Republicans have been under Obama administration.. On this side of the political spectrum we’re supposed to still value facts, you can’t just say “well they do it too” and have it accepted as reality.

Interesting points. On the other hand, go fuck yourself.

Okay, I’ve moved on from thinking you’re an idiot to thinking you’re a troll. Bye now.

I'm confident some clown is going to respond with some weak sauce oppositions to specific judicial nominations like Alito or Bork, or a woefully distorted quote that relies on some creative editing to sound like it's saying something it's not.

DEMS 2006: “This particular cucumber is fucking rotten and has weird shit growing on it; we’re not going to eat it. If you have any better produce we’ll consider those.”

Saying you oppose a particular nominee is completely different than saying you will refuse to consider any nominee.

“I believe that so long as the public continues to split its confidence between the branches, compromise is the responsible course both for the White House and for the Senate,” Biden also said at the time. “If the President consults and cooperates with the Senate or moderates his selections absent consultation, then

There’s a difference between Filibustering confirmation of an actual nominee you are opposed to and refusing to participate in your duty prior to a nominee being set forth. And stop saying “dear”, it’s fucking creepy.