A Small Turnip

I can’t even wrap my mind around being in a situation like this or being able to trust someone after they did something like that. Thank you for sharing your story. Best of luck to your family.

I’m sorry your family went through that. I hope you’re all doing okay.

Kudos to you and your family for continued support and I hope he sincerely realizes his blessing in his family.

an old friend’s bestie was one of the guys who created robot chicken. he (friend) said that seth was honest to god just the nicest dude, but that breckin meyer or whatever his name is was a huge cunt.

i think you bring up an interesting dialogue.

My brother went to jail for statutory rape when he was 19. The situation happened when my sister was 13 year and when he was 17 and it ripped our family apart. It took me years to come to terms with it, but I do know he’s a better person now in his 30s. He went to jail for incest and statutory rape.

This isn’t the

cannot imagine what it would be like if a family member of mine committed some horrible crime or act. that’s all i’ve got. too tired to even be sad today.

you too?

oh my god, my incredible crush on Seth Green just came raging back. ohhhmygod.

Here’s a newsflash, WOMEN like porn. Not just white women. I know, mind blowing.

Ironically, he looks harmless with his shorter than average height and his slight build. Especially compared to his much taller, overly built, super-masculine co-workers. He has that boy next door that wouldn’t hurt a fly look down cold. And the fact that despite look harmless, he is rough in bed? For many women, that

That’s sort of an oddly gleeful approach? I get your meaning, but let’s try not to feel vindicated that multiple women were abused and assaulted...

Holy Hell, you are dark. And not the good kind of, “Hey, Bryan Fuller is doing another horror series” dark. But the kind of, “I’m just saying this guy should off himself. Just saying.” No, wait, that’s exactly what you are saying. Ugh...I need a puppy/kitten chaser to rinse this foul taste out.

Why don’t you kill yourself? I mean, you spend time on a blog making a 5 paragraph comment. I think your life must suck and not be worth living. My outrageous opinion is being heard!

Yes exactly! I was also pretty bummed by that article. Sometimes the knee jerk pro-porn types will go really overboard defending it.

Indeed. That article pissed me off because a large part of it was devoted to “exposing” that one of the girls featured in the film who claimed she was done with porn was actually still an active performer. The author went to great lengths to do some digging to finally unearth this “gotcha” moment that felt incredibly

I think LaBeau makes a good point that we haven’t heard from the others yet, namely that it’s not just Deen, but others, too. There should be some kind of industry-wide shakeup to make sure things like this don’t happen any more. If we’re not careful, we might think kicking Deen out of the business is enough, when

A few months ago, there was a really strong and strange (to me) critique of the movie Hot Girls Wanted for shining a light on an aspect of the porn industry that is very woman un-friendly. The article read to me like it was accusing the documentary producers of taking a hardline, anti-porn stand, which I don’t think

He doesn’t have crazy eyes. He mugs for the camera because he is trying to pretend he’s not a soulless asshole.

Remember folks, flag and dismiss the trolls. DO NOT ENGAGE.