So, I would wonder if it’s fair to the women who either weren’t assaulted or who were assaulted but did other scenes with him to have their films pulled from sites because he’s in them?
So, I would wonder if it’s fair to the women who either weren’t assaulted or who were assaulted but did other scenes with him to have their films pulled from sites because he’s in them?
I wouldn’t necessarily call it money, if you’ve ever been involved with running a business you’ll know how extremely difficult it can be to reverse the tide once you’ve set off in a direction (generally planned months in advance).
I think it was on one of the pieces published yesterday about this, but at some point there was a totally bonkers comment thread vacillating between “make sure not to kink shame!” to “you need psychiatric help for your rape fantasy and you can’t possibly be a rape survivor” as if there was no in between. It was…
A good friend worked at for years and found it a super supportive place to work (male friend, not a performer but builds sets). I am sad to read all this.
Cos the victim is freezing up or hoping to be rescued and the on lookers are waiting for her to cry out for help. Then having people stand there like it’s not a big deal she’s not going to ask them for help and play it cool and her playing it cool they don’t think she needs help. That’s what I’d assume, I think that’s…
My husband works for kink occasionally, and while I’m sure his experience is different due to being male, he’s never had anything negative to say about the staff. In fact, he was truly shocked to hear that they would let this shit fly there. His (and my very limited) experience there has always seemed to be a “consent…
Bystander effect? Shock? Not knowing what to do? At least, I hope these are the reasons.
Eh. I think the knee-jerk cries of “sex negative!” and “kink shaming!” whenever anyone criticizes porn or kink in any way are ludicrous. I also think a depressing amount of commentary on this site over the past few days has been misinformed and self-righteous at best and mean-spirited and occasionally outright cruel…
I would also wonder what contracts they’ve signed with him/signed with those who feature him in their films. It might be they’re contractually obligated to keep this stuff up for a certain amount of time, and that’s the business choices she’s referring to. If their licensors are the ones who make the choices about…
I am very confused but very pleased with this photo choice
This is going to make so many people insufferable.
Sarah Polson and Holland Taylor may be the best couple in Hollywood, but Burt and Sallie are a close second.
In fact, I would dare say referring to a set runner by their first name is a lot more than what some celebrities would do. Which is refer to non-famous people as “you there”.
She talks about it as a way to explain how green she was — she didn’t realize actors needed time before shooting to get into the right mental space. He politely asked for what he needed. She also talks about not really even knowing what a director was.
(Can’t believe I’m saying this) If you click through the link, he actually doesn’t seem that bad in this story. Turns out it was when she was a runner on a set in Kenya in 2005; it sounds like he asked politely for space when she started asking too many questions.
this was very distressing to me because he is a wonderful rainbow present of a human and clicked through and it isn’t really as bad as it seems
Semi-related, I was inspired to look at Chrissy Teigen’s feed and she joked earlier today that she’d have 2M followers if she hadn’t needed to manually block 800K.
I think it’s just the norm for her at this point. She’s been live tweeting her life for years now, it’s just her thing.
Seriously. I got sympathy boob pain just by looking at that picture. She looks SO uncomfortable. :(
Just don’t put them in guacamole.