A Small Turnip

It's Kobe beef, which reminds me of my good friend Kobe Bryant. Hell of a guy, great sportsball competitor, huge sociopath. Real fuckface.

That's very kind. Thank you. I tried to channel Trump best I could and felt dirty when I finished the post.

If anything, I at least feel relieved that the 2nd kid wasn’t fully baked yet and didn’t have to be involved.

I used to work with someone who is awaiting trial on similar charges. The process of learning about someone’s involvement in this crime is one of endless waves of awfulness. Everything you think of, how she made a big deal about kids, how she was caught, and seeing in the news what she did to children just makes it

Yeah. There really aren’t LEVELS of bad with pedophilia.

Because she was about to have a child of her own I guess. But doing while she wasn't pregnant would have been just as bad obviously.

It’s awful either way. I agree.

lol did u facebook her as well

beat poetry is an underrated art form!

Okay sorry but political instagrams are boring. There, I’ve said it. Obama’s isn’t run by him, it’s run by his organizing for america team and I don’t want to see campaign stuff on my newsfeed. I don’t follow celebrities either (except for writers/photographers) but politician’s feeds are often the most boring. I get

I once had a prof (who seemed like a really nice man, on a personal level) who showed up late to his own final because he forgot to make copies of the test. Actually, he forgot to finish writing it AND make copies. I don’t think he should have a gun.

This is what gets me the most. Do these people really want to live in a place where everyone is so constantly in fear for their life that being armed is absolutely necessary?

And where are armed teachers supposed to keep these guns within a classroom? I couldn’t keep cool pens hidden in my desk without them being stolen in less than a week. For students who mean harm, knowing that their teachers have loaded weapons simply means that a gun won’t need to be purchased and brought to school.

To arm teachers, we must presume that all teachers are people who are prepared to kill someone if need be. I think if you polled the population and asked “if a stranger walked into this room right now and you thought he was dangerous, could you kill him?” we would find a low percentage. I don’t think making this a

If only the teacher had a gun...and instruction in how to use the gun...and follow-up instruction in how to respond to crisis scenarios...and continual follow-up training to keep those skills fresh...and constant practice on top of their other duties...and ammunition to continually train...and so on and so on and so

The thing that gets me about the “arm the teacher” logic is this: wouldn’t that just make them bigger targets?

1. Someone in the room did have a gun. He was the guy shooting people. Turning a classroom into a motercycle gang bar raid is not going to reduce casualties.

“Sometimes I carry a gun, sometimes I carry a bible. Sometimes I carry a corndog and pass it to my handler when none of those fucking moron hayseeds has their back to the tilt-a-whirl. Sometimes I carry a deck of cards for impromptu magic tricks. David Blane, huge friend of mine. Sometimes I carry a raw piece of beef,

I love Trump. Love him. It’s like watching someone play Republican Mad Libs or something. He hits the right marks, sort of, in this weird, clumsy way. And somehow the base still eats it up.