
Okay, that spray paint, if real, not cool at all. Those assholes should have their faces painted (Where’s Jigglypuff when you need him?!? Dammit!)

There are some extreme cases:

Yes, but does this thing evolve into a fake Raichu?

Not being into Anime is really going to cut down how much cosplay you recognize.

Lol wow. Opened the floodgates I have.

Nope that’s a gartham from dark crystal. It looks to be an almost exact replica of the actual puppet costume.

Wow, you really don’t know? It’s a Garthim from The Dark Crystal.

i get it, it takes a lot of work to get the necessary materials for progress, but if i run into any more zubat i will fucking kill a stranger

I’m going to have the most powerful army of Raticates in my neighborhood. (Seriously, that’s all there is. I squealed so hard I woke up my wife when a Bulbasaur appeared in my front yard last night.)

What rock do you live under and are there any Onyx there with you?

I don’t know, I still love the classic games but I adore Go as well (when it works). Haven’t had this much fun with a Pokemon game since the original. But then I never expected this to be a traditional Pokemon game on mobiles. I always saw it as more of a sequel to Pokemon Snap than anything else, and I love walking

Yeah it’s dissappointing, but the lack of classic pokemon mechanics kind of killed my desire to keep trying when it’s buggy. The second pokemon I caught the pokeball just stood there and the app crashed. It’s kind of sad too, because the camera on + pokemon feature seemed like the crazy speculative wish, while they

Came here because I knew this would just have to turn up.

This kind of article is why I peruse Lifehacker regularly. I'm in my 40's, and have wondered for decades why I sweat so much. Based on this info, being born and raised in south Louisiana probably played a big role. I've even talked to doctor friends over the years as well as my own doctors, and they must've all been

I just want that Kimono wearing Pikachu. It’s adorable! *Squeeee!*

Just when Nintendo’s legal team was starting to get bored... I suspect this will be pulled down pretty quick, then in a couple years Nintendo will release NES 3D Remix and claim innovation.

I’m sure there are lots of steam achievements with only one person or no people having gotten them. They belong to games like this one; games that no one plays.

“Survive the satanic hordes for at least 500 seconds.”

I think some people get too focused on how long it takes to play a game. If its an enjoyable, well-polished experience, then I think it can be forgiven if the title isn’t as long as you’d have hoped. After all, all movies cost the same amount on opening day, regardless of how long they keep you in the theater.


This doesn’t even turn me on. Does that make me normal or weird?